002971: Inconsistent '<value>' values for the same entity in the following records: ObjectID=<value> and ObjectID=<value> in '<value>' feature class.


This warning is shown when Join ID values for more precise address components, such as street name coincide, but Join ID values for less precise address components, such as postal code, are different for some records, which can indicate an error in the data.

Reference data attribute table with two features with the same AddressJoin ID value

In the table above, records with OBJECTID = 3 and OBJECTID = 4 define the same point address record because they have identical AddressJoinID values. These two addresses are located in the same city, which may have multiple names in the data that are valid alternate values (for example, Los Angeles and Northridge). However, the CityID values for those records are different, and the CityID is the primary identifier for the city. This discrepancy causes a conflict because the two alternate names for the same city should have the same JoinID value.


Use one of the following options to resolve the warning:

  • Review the inconsistencies in the reference data found by the Create Locator tool and fix them. All attribute Join ID values should coincide with two or more records if the records describe the same location.
  • Ignore the warning if the Join ID values do not coincide with records describing the same location in real-world cases.