Available with Spatial Analyst license.
The suitability group layer in the Contents pane stores the model base criteria, the transformed criteria, the final suitability map, the locate layer, and the query layer.
Create a suitability group layer
When the Suitability Modeler is first opened, a new suitability group layer is added to the Contents pane.
- Open the Suitability Modeler.
- In ArcGIS Pro, on the Analysis tab, click the Suitability Modeler button
- On the Suitability ribbon, click the New Suitability Model button
- In Catalog, click a suitability model container
, click New, and click Suitability Model.
- In ArcGIS Pro, on the Analysis tab, click the Suitability Modeler button
- Add criteria to the model.
- Click the Add Criteria button
on the Suitability ribbon.
- Click the Add raster criteria as layers from contents button
or the Add raster criteria dataset by browsing button
in the Criteria table in the Suitability tab.
- Drag a layer from the Contents pane into the suitability group layer.
- Right-click the suitability group layer and click the Add Data button
- Click the Add Criteria button
Suitability group layer actions
When you click the circle button next to a criterion in the Suitability tab the corresponding transformed layer for the criterion is added to the suitability group layer. The button turns green indicating it is the active criterion in the Transformation pane. The button turns grey once the criterion has been transformed and is no longer the active criterion in the Transformation pane.
The final suitability map layer is added to the suitability group layer once the first criterion is added to the model and its transformed criterion is generated.
The Locate layer that identifies the ideal locations for sites or preservation areas is added to the suitability group layer when you click Run in the Locate tab.
A query layer is added to the suitability group layer once a query expression is specified and applied in the Suitability tab.
Work with the layers in the suitability group layer
Any of these layers can be displayed in a map in ArcGIS Pro in the same way as other layers. Whenever there is a change to the applied transformation of a criterion, the corresponding transformed and final suitability map layers are updated.
The transformed and suitability map layers are calculated at screen resolution and the extent of the display using raster functions. The transformed and suitability map layers are calculated at the source resolution and full extent when the model is run from the Suitability tab. The Locate layer is always calculated at full resolution.
The transformed layers are not saved to disk by default. To save individual layers, click the Save transformed dataset when model is run check box in the Transformation pane and specify a path and name for the output transformed criterion dataset. The identified transformed dataset is created and saved when the model is run at full resolution.
The suitability layer is saved to the location specified in the Settings tab when the model is run at full resolution. The Locate layer is saved to the name and location specified in the Locate tab.
To remove a layer and its corresponding transformation layers from the model and the suitability group layer, select the layer in the Criteria table in the Suitability tab, right-click in the table header, and click Delete selected row(s). Alternatively, right-click the base criterion in the suitability group layer and click Remove.