As you georeference a Revit or CAD dataset, you can manage the links and control points with the Control Point table. The Control Point table displays the control points that are currently in memory, whether they were added manually or loaded from a world file.
On the Georeferencing tab, in the Review group, click the Control Point Table button to open the Control Point table.

Edit control points
You can edit the x- and y-values of each control point by clicking the cells in the Control Point Table and typing the new value.
Highlight links
On the Georeferencing tab, in the Review group, click the Select tool to highlight an existing link. With the Select tool activated, you can highlight an existing link by clicking either of its control points. Once a link is selected, the Zoom To Selected Control Points and Delete Selected Control Points buttons in the Review group are activated. The Select tool also allows you to reposition existing control points. With the Select tool active, hover over a control point; the pointer will change to a vector selection cursor. Drag the control point to the desired location. Press the Esc key when finished.
Load control points from a 3D world file
In the Prepare group, click the Import Control Points button to load control points from a world (.wld3) file. Browse to the file and click Open. Loading a world file overwrites all control points that are currently in memory.
Delete links
To delete a link, highlight it using the Select tool and, in the Review group on the tab, click the Delete Selected Control Points button. To delete all links simultaneously, click the Delete All button.
Zoom to a link
To zoom to a link, highlight the link using the Select tool and click the Zoom To Selected Control Points button. Each successive click zooms in closer.
Save control points
On the Georeferencing tab, in the Save group, click the Save button to save control points to a world file. This automatically saves the world file to the Revit or CAD workspace. To apply the transformation to all of the drawings in a given folder, you can create a universal world file. Click the Save To Workspace button to create a universal world file in the folder of the target CAD dataset. To save a world file or universal world file outside of the target CAD workspace, click the Save as New button. In the Save as window, browse to the desired folder, name the file, and click Save.