Update a network diagram

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Updating a network diagram refers to updating its content regarding the network topology: in other words, synchronizing its content from the network features and network objects used to initially generate it and reflecting any changes that may have impacted those network elements in the diagram. For example, it may be suitable for diagrams that became inconsistent after network topology validation.

There are three main workflows to update diagrams. One is on the Network Diagram home tab, the second is in the Find Diagrams pane, and the last one consists of running the Update Diagram tool directly from the Geoprocessing pane.

  • Working from the Network Diagram tab mainly applies to diagrams that are already open.
  • Working from the Find Diagrams pane is efficient when the diagram you want to update is not open. It can be used to quickly search for all diagrams that cover a given extent of the network or contain specific network features or network objects where you know edits occurred. Then, it allows you to reflect those edits in all the retrieved diagrams.
  • Working from the Update Diagram tool in the Geoprocessing pane is particularly useful to update several network diagrams at once. For example, you can update all diagrams based on a particular template to reflect rules and layout definition changes that have recently impacted the template. Another example would be to update all diagrams in the database that may be inconsistent regarding the network topology space, which has been recently validated.

Whatever workflow you choose, the update process on the network diagrams executes in the same way. It first retrieves all the network features and network objects initially used to generate the diagram, then it reruns any rules that may be configured on the diagram template starting from the set of retrieved network elements. When the process completes, the diagram content reflects all changes that impacted the related network elements:

  • Any topology changes that impacted network features or network objects represented in the diagram are reported onto the related diagram features.
  • Any diagram features corresponding to network features or network objects that no longer exist in the network are removed from the diagram.
  • Any new network features and network objects that may now be returned by the rules reexecution—for example, tracing and expanding containers rules—are added to the diagram.
  • When running the Update Diagram tool and configuring the update to reapply the automatic layouts specified on the template at the end of the diagram update, the automatic layouts apply to the entire diagram content.
  • By default, the update doesn't reapply the automatic layouts specified on the template. The positions of any diagram features that may exist in the diagram before and after the update are kept. For any new diagram feature added to the diagram, the diagram feature geometry adheres to the following rules:
    • Any diagram point junction representing a network point feature displays at the point feature geographic position.
    • Any diagram point junction representing a network polygon feature is placed at the center of the feature boundary envelope.
    • Any diagram point junction representing a network junction object is placed at best inside the diagram polygon container representing its spatial container with some or all other contents.
    • Any diagram polygon container representing a container point feature displays as a rectangle around its contents which center is placed at the point feature geographic position.
    • Any diagram polygon container representing a container polygon feature displays as a rectangle around its contents which center is placed at the center of the feature boundary envelope.
    • Any diagram polygon container representing a container junction object displays as a rectangle around its contents and placed at best inside its own diagram polygon container.
    • Any diagram edge representing a network edge object displays as a straight line between its from and to diagram junction.
    • Any diagram edge representing a network line feature displays with the line feature geometry when the diagram template is configured to keep initial vertices on edges, otherwise it displays as a straight line between its from and to diagram junction.


Updating subnetwork system diagrams fails for those diagrams being exclusively maintained by the Update Subnetwork tool. In those cases, the network topology must be reenabled or validated before running Update Subnetwork.


The following prerequisites must be met when updating a network diagram:

  • The network topology must be enabled.
  • Since this operation is transactional, edits must be saved before it is run.
  • This operation applies to a network diagram layer that is from either a utility network or trace network in a file geodatabase, or a network diagram service. When working with a utility network or trace network in an enterprise geodatabase, the input network diagram layer must be from a service.
  • There are no dirty areas on the network features initially used to generate the diagram, whether they are visible or aggregated
  • There are no dirty areas on the container features related to the network objects initially used to generate the diagram, whether they are visible or aggregated.
  • There are no dirty areas on the new network features processed during the update.
  • There are no dirty areas on the container features related to the new network objects processed during the update.
  • The extent of the diagram doesn't intersect any dirty area.

Update an opened diagram

  1. Click the map view that references the network diagram you want to update; then, if that map view is not related to a diagram map or is related to a diagram map that references several network diagrams, click the desired network diagram layer in the Contents pane.
  2. Click the Network Diagram tab and click Update Update Diagram in the Modify group.

Update stored diagrams listed in the Find Diagrams pane

  1. Open a map view that references the network.
  2. Click the network layer in the Contents pane so that the Utility Network or Trace Network tab set becomes available.
  3. Click Find, either on the Data tab of the Utility Network or Trace Network tab set or on the Network Diagram contextual tab.

    The Find Diagrams pane appears. As explained in Search for network diagrams in the database, the Find Diagrams pane provides various functions to refine diagrams search.

  4. Set up the pane options you need—for example, make sure the Cover parts of the active map extent check box is checked and zoom in on the map part the diagrams you want to update.
  5. Click Refresh Refresh Diagram List at the bottom of the list to get the diagram list refreshed accordingly.
  6. Click the diagram item or items you are interested in so they become checked in the list and click Update Diagrams Update Diagrams at the bottom of the pane.

    To update several diagrams, press and hold the Shift key and click each diagram item you want to update before clicking Update Diagrams.

    Note that the Update Diagram button is disabled when you check a subnetwork system diagram item in the list since such a diagram cannot be updated using the Update Diagram tool.

Each selected diagram is updated.


The Find Diagrams pane provides various functions to refine diagrams search. For example, searching diagrams that contain particular network features or network objects, or those that have been generated during a specific period.

Learn more about searching diagrams related to a given network

Update network diagrams using the Update Diagram tool

The workflow steps below detail how to update network diagrams using the Update Diagram geoprocessing tool:


Start ArcGIS Pro and load your project or create one.

  1. Open the Geoprocessing pane, click Toolboxes, and expand Network Diagram Tools.
  2. Double-click the Update Diagram tool.

    The Geoprocessing pane loads the Update Diagram tool.

  3. To update network diagrams that are already open in existing maps, do the following:
    1. Activate the map that contains the network diagram.
    2. In the Geoprocessing pane, click the Input Network or Network Diagram Layer drop-down list and choose the appropriate diagram layer.
    3. Bypass the next steps and directly go to step 7.
  4. To update any network diagrams related to a network in a particular version, do the following:
    1. If there is no map referencing the network in the project, create one.
    2. If a map referencing the network already exists in the project, click this map to make it the active map view.
    3. Switch to the version of the data in that map.
    4. In the Geoprocessing pane, click the Input Network or Network Diagram Layer drop-down list and choose the network layer.
    5. Bypass the next step and directly go to step 6
  5. To update any network diagrams related to a network in the default version, do the following:
    1. In the Geoprocessing pane, click the Browse button next to Input Network or Network Diagram Layer.
    2. Browse to your portal, then expand the service feature layer and select the network service layer.
    3. Go to step 6
  6. Depending on the diagram you want to update, do one of the following:
    • If you want to update diagrams based on particular templates, select the templates to use from the Template Names drop-down lists.
    • To update particular diagrams, type their names in the Diagram Names text boxes.
  7. Expand the Advanced Options section:
    1. Uncheck Update inconsistent diagrams only if you want to update the diagrams, whether they are consistent or not.
    2. Keep Re-apply automatic layouts on the updated diagrams unchecked if you want to preserve the current position of any diagram features that will remain after the update.
    3. Check Re-apply automatic layouts on the updated diagrams if you want to reapply the automatic layouts specified on the template at the end of the diagram update on the whole diagram content.
  8. Click Run.

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