Available with 3D Analyst license.
The TIN Editor contains a suite of tools to interactively manipulate a TIN in a map view. You can use tools in the TIN Editor to perform editing tasks on your TIN datasets interactively, including the following:
- Add or remove nodes.
- Add new breaklines.
- Add new polygons.
- Connect nodes to one another.
- Swap the edges of a TIN.
- Change the data area of a TIN.
- Change the height of a TIN node.
- Set the TIN to be a constrained surface.
- Create a copy of the TIN.
These tools provide real-time surface feedback and allow you to save your edits directly to that TIN or create a copy of the edited TIN.
The TIN Editor is only available in a map view in ArcGIS Pro.
TIN Editor tab
To access the interactive TIN editing tools for the current map view, select the TIN
layer that you want to edit in the Contents pane. Under TIN Layer, on the Data tab, click the TIN Editor button . The TIN Editor button gives you access to the available
tools you can use to interactively edit a TIN surface.
The TIN Editor only edits one TIN at a time. It stays focused on the
TIN layer that was used to enable it. To edit another TIN layer, you
need to close the TIN Editor by clicking the Close TIN Editor button . Then you can select another TIN layer in
the Contents pane that you want to work with and
reopen the TIN Editor.
The Create group contains two tools:
- Add Node
allows you to add individual nodes to an editable TIN.
- Add Breakline
allows you to add breaklines to an editable TIN.
The Delete group contains one tool: Delete Node . This tool allows you to select nodes and delete them from the TIN surface.
The Modify group contains five tools:
- The Connect Nodes tool
interactively connects two nodes with a breakline. The breakline will obtain its start and end heights from the TIN nodes.
- The Swap Edge tool
interactively connects two opposing nodes to form an alternate pair of triangles. Click the triangle edge to change its direction.
- The Modify Data Area tool
turns TIN triangles on and off. This tool helps define the data region of the TIN.
- The Change Node Z tool
changes the height of a TIN node.
- The Set to Constrained button
can be used to set a TIN to a constrained Delaunay triangulation method for the TIN.
The Manage Edits group contains three tools to manage the edits that are being performed on the TIN:
- The Discard tool
discards all unsaved edits.
- The Save tool
saves the edits to the current TIN being edited. Once the TIN is saved, all edits are permanent and cannot be undone.
- The Save As New TIN tool
saves a new TIN with the current edits applied to it.