Add Reviewer error results to your project

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Available with Data Reviewer license.

Tutorial summary

In this tutorial, you will use data in the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro tutorial package to enable a geodatabase to store Reviewer error results and create Reviewer sessions for managing errors detected during the quality control review.

Estimated time

25 minutes

Software requirements

ArcGIS Pro 2.1 or later

Data requirements

The data for this tutorial is available from the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro Tutorial page. This package contains an ArcGIS Pro project package and a subset of the Local Government sample data. To download the data, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro Tutorial page.
  2. Click Download.
  3. Extract the files to a convenient location on your computer, such as C:\Data_Reviewer_for_ArcGIS_Pro_Tutorial.

Open the project

In this exercise, you will open a project package using ArcGIS Pro and verify its contents.

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro and sign in if necessary.

    If you have not already downloaded the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro tutorial data, see the data requirements listed above.

  2. On the start page, under your recent projects, click Open another project.

    If you already have a project open, click Open Open Project on the Quick Access Toolbar and go to step 4.

  3. On the Open page, under Open, click Computer and click Browse Browse.
  4. Browse to the Data_Reviewer\Exercise_1 folder on the Open Project dialog box.

    The Data_Reviewer\Exercise_1 folder is located in the directory where the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro tutorial package was extracted.

  5. Click DataReviewerArcGISProTutorial_Exercise1.ppkx.
  6. Click OK.
  7. The project opens with a topographic basemap containing city data zoomed to Naperville, Illinois.

Add Reviewer error results to your project

Errors detected during data quality review are organized in your geodatabase using Reviewer sessions. Sessions are added to your project to help organize your review and enable quick access to the error results that are relevant to the type of work being accomplished in your project.

In this exercise, you will enable a geodatabase to store Reviewer error results and create a Reviewer session for organizing errors detected in the sample data.

  1. Click the Insert tab.
  2. In the Project group, click the Connections drop-down arrow Add Connection and click Add Reviewer Results Add Reviewer Results.

    The Select Reviewer Workspace dialog box appears.

    Select Reviewer Workspace dialog box
  3. Browse to the Data_Reviewer\Exercise_1 folder.

    The Data_Reviewer\Exercise_1 folder is located in the directory where the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro tutorial package was extracted.

  4. Click the ReviewerResults.gdb geodatabase file, and click OK.
  5. When the Data Reviewer message appears, click Yes to open the Enable Data Reviewer geoprocessing tool.

    The Enable Data Reviewer geoprocessing tool adds the Reviewer dataset and tables that allow an existing geodatabase to store Reviewer error results. In the following steps, you will create the Reviewer workspace and use the spatial reference of the Local Government data to store the geometries of the results.

  6. Click the Coordinate System drop-down arrow and choose Current Map [Map].
  7. Click Run.
  8. In the Catalog pane, expand Reviewer Results Reviewer Results, right-click Session Results Session Results, and click New Session New Session.

    The Create Reviewer Session geoprocessing tool opens and ReviewerResults.gdb appears in the Reviewer Workspace field.

  9. Type Address data validation in the Session Name text box.
  10. Click the Check for Duplicates drop-down arrow and choose Database.
  11. Leave the Do Not Store Geometry check box unchecked.
  12. Type Quality Manager in the Session User Name text box to associate a custom name with this session.
  13. Click Run.
  14. In the Catalog pane, expand Reviewer Results and double-click 1 : Address data validation.

    The Reviewer Results pane appears with a message indicating that it does not contain error results.

  15. To set this session as your default session, right-click 1 : Address data validation and click Make Default.
  16. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save Save to save the project.

Now that you have a Reviewer session in your project that can be used to store error results, you can author and share Reviewer rules.

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