Calculate summary statistics for bins

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Binning is used in ArcGIS Pro to aggregate a large number of point features into a smaller number of bins. The bins can then be symbolized to represent the features contained within every bin. By default, the way bins are symbolized is based on feature count per bin, but you can calculate additional statistics (such as mean, minimum, or maximum) on any numeric field in your bin-enabled feature layer. The statistics are added as summary fields to the attribute tables of your data so they are available for symbolizing the bins.

Summary statistics are created when feature binning is first enabled, but you can define additional summary statistics when interacting with the layer in your map. Statistics that are created when binning is first enabled are stored in the source feature class. Statistics that are created after binning is enabled are stored in the feature layer. They do not persist if the layer is removed from the project.

To add summary statistics to a bin-enabled feature layer, follow these steps:

  1. Highlight a bin-enabled feature layer in the Contents pane.
  2. Under Binning, on the Bin tab, in the Summary group, click Summary Statistics Statistics.
  3. The Summary Statistics dialog box displays a table of existing summary fields. To calculate a new statistic, click the Field drop-down menu and specify the field from the layer's attribute table to use for the calculation.
  4. Click the Statistic Type drop-down menu and choose to calculate the sum, mean, minimum, maximum, or standard deviation for each bin in the selected field.
  5. A result field name is created. Optionally type an alias for the statistic in the Result Field Alias field.
  6. Click OK. The result field is available for symbolizing the bins and displays in pop-ups.
  7. To remove a summary statistic from the feature layer, highlight the row in the statistics table and click Remove.