ArcGIS Pro 2.7 API Reference Guide
OpenTaskAsync(String) Method

ArcGIS.Desktop.TaskAssistant Namespace > TaskAssistantModule Class > OpenTaskAsync Method : OpenTaskAsync(String) Method
Full path to an .esriTasks file.
Opens an ArcGIS Pro .esriTasks file. The file is added to the current project and loaded into the Tasks pane.
public static Task<Guid> OpenTaskAsync( 
   string taskFile
Public Overloads Shared Function OpenTaskAsync( _
   ByVal taskFile As String _
) As Task(Of Guid)


Full path to an .esriTasks file.

Return Value

A Task returning the unique identifier of the task file opened. Use this unique identifier as parameters to other API calls such as CloseTaskAsync or ExportTaskAsync.
Error opening the task file. For example the taskFile is invalid or the Tasks pane is in Designer mode and editing another task item.
This must be called on the UI thread.
If the Tasks pane is not already visible, it will be opened. If the Tasks pane is visible, any current task item will be unloaded to allow the new item to be loaded.

If the Tasks pane is in Designer mode; then an OpenTaskException will be thrown. Task files can only be opened if the Tasks pane is not in Designer mode.

// Open a task file
  // TODO - substitute your own .esriTasks file to be opened
  string taskFile = @"c:\Tasks\Get Started.esriTasks";
  System.Guid guid = await TaskAssistantModule.OpenTaskAsync(taskFile);

  // TODO - retain the guid returned for use with CloseTaskAsync
catch (OpenTaskException e)
  // exception thrown if task file doesn't exist or has incorrect format

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1

See Also


TaskAssistantModule Class
TaskAssistantModule Members
Overload List