ArcGIS Pro 2.7 API Reference Guide
ToolOptionsEmbeddableControl Class Members
Properties  Methods  Events

ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing Namespace : ToolOptionsEmbeddableControl Class

The following tables list the members exposed by ToolOptionsEmbeddableControl.

Public Properties
Public Propertya simple implementation of IEditingCreateToolControl.ActiveTemplateSelectorIcon  
Public Property Gets and sets whether or not the EmbeddedControl can change its options (Inherited from ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Controls.EmbeddableControl)
Public PropertyGets if the control can perform a ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Controls.EmbeddableControl.CommitAsync. (Inherited from ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Controls.EmbeddableControl)
Public Propertya simple implementation of IEditingCreateToolControl.IsDirty  
Public Propertya simple implementation of IEditingCreateToolControl.IsValid  
Public Property Gets or sets the view-model's model object. (Inherited from ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Contracts.ViewModelBase)
Public Property Gets or sets the configuration options. (Inherited from ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Controls.EmbeddableControl)
Protected Properties
Protected Property records whether this EmbeddableControl is operating within ActiveTemplate (true) or TemplateProperties (false)  
Protected Property gets whether multiple templates are being edited  
Protected Property gets whether or not to show this control  
Protected Property records the working copy of ToolOptions  
Public Methods
Public Methoda simple implementation of IEditingCreateToolControl.AutoOpenActiveTemplatePane  
Public MethodOverridden.  Occurs when the controls is closed.  
Public Method Occurs when control is executed or has changes to its options to be commited (Inherited from ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Controls.EmbeddableControl)
Public Methodcalled just before OpenAsync when this IEditingCreateToolControl is being used within the ActiveTemplate pane  
Public Methodcalled just before OpenAsync when this IEditingCreateToolControl is being used within the TemplateProperties dialog, and multiple templates have been selected for change  
Public Methodcalled just before OpenAsync when this IEditingCreateToolControl is being used within the TemplateProperties dialog, and a single template has been selected for change  
Public MethodOverridden.  Occurs when the control is hosted.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodWhen using this ToolOptionsEmbeddableControl within TemplateProperties, sets the value of IsDirty, then fires an internal event to ensure that TemplateProperties takes note of that change in order to update the status of the TemplateProperties dialog OK button  
Protected Method gets a tool option from the current ToolOptions  
Protected MethodCalled at the end of OpenAsync, implementations should obtain and interpret the options stored in the current ToolOptions using GetToolOption<T>  
Protected MethodCalls LoadFromToolOptions in the UI thread  
Protected MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Contracts.PropertyChangedBase)
Protected Method Occurs when the options are updated. (Inherited from ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Controls.EmbeddableControl)
Protected MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Contracts.PropertyChangedBase)
Protected Method sets a tool option within the current ToolOptions  
Protected MethodWhen using this ToolOptionsEmbeddableControl within TemplateProperties, sets the value of IsValid, then fires an internal event to ensure that TemplateProperties takes note of that change in order to update the status of the TemplateProperties dialog OK button  
Public Events
Public Event Occurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Contracts.PropertyChangedBase)
See Also


ToolOptionsEmbeddableControl Class
ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing Namespace