ArcGIS Pro 2.7 API Reference Guide
Validate Method (Topology)

ArcGIS.Core.Data.Topology Namespace > Topology Class : Validate Method
The ValidationDescription which describes the details of the validate operation.
Ensures data integrity by validating the features in a topology in the area specified by ValidationDescription.Extent against a pre-defined set of topology rules. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.


The ValidationDescription which describes the details of the validate operation.

Return Value

A ValidationResult that describes the result of the operation.
description is null.
This operation cannot be invoked inside ArcGIS.Core.Data.Geodatabase.ApplyEdits or when an edit operation is in progress.
A geodatabase-related exception has occurred.

Dirty areas represent areas where the spatial integrity of the topology has not been validated. When a topology is first created, the entire dataset is considered dirty. Subsequently, dirty areas are created anytime a feature's geometry or subtype is modified or topology rules are added or removed. A topology validation is an operation to clean up dirty areas. The operation entails snapping features together within a cluster tolerance and test for rule violations. Any feature that violates one or more topology rules will result in a topology error, which can be marked (i.e., promoted) as an exception.

This operation generates its own editing transaction and therefore cannot be wrapped inside a separate transaction.

public void ValidateTopology()
  using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(@"C:\TestData\GrandTeton.gdb"))))
  using (Topology topology = geodatabase.OpenDataset<Topology>("Backcountry_Topology"))
    // If the topology currently does not have dirty areas, calling Validate() returns an empty envelope.

    ValidationResult result = topology.Validate(new ValidationDescription(topology.GetExtent()));
    Console.WriteLine($"'AffectedArea' after validating a topology that has not been edited => {result.AffectedArea.ToJson()}");

    // Now create a feature that purposely violates the "PointProperlyInsideArea" topology rule.  This action will
    // create dirty areas.

    Feature newFeature = null;

      // Fetch the feature in the Campsites feature class whose objectID is 2.  Then create a new geometry slightly
      // altered from this and use it to create a new feature.

      using (Feature featureViaCampsites2 = GetFeature(geodatabase, "Campsites", 2))
        Geometry currentGeometry = featureViaCampsites2.GetShape();
        Geometry newGeometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(currentGeometry, (currentGeometry.Extent.XMax / 8),
          (currentGeometry.Extent.YMax / 8));

        using (FeatureClass campsitesFeatureClass = featureViaCampsites2.GetTable())
        using (FeatureClassDefinition definition = campsitesFeatureClass.GetDefinition())
        using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = campsitesFeatureClass.CreateRowBuffer())
          rowBuffer[definition.GetShapeField()] = newGeometry;

          geodatabase.ApplyEdits(() =>
            newFeature = campsitesFeatureClass.CreateRow(rowBuffer);

      // After creating a new feature in the 'Campsites' participating feature class, the topology's state should be 
      // "Unanalyzed" because it has not been validated.

      Console.WriteLine($"The topology state after an edit has been applied => {topology.GetState()}");

      // Now validate the topology.  The result envelope corresponds to the dirty areas.

      result = topology.Validate(new ValidationDescription(topology.GetExtent()));
      Console.WriteLine($"'AffectedArea' after validating a topology that has just been edited => {result.AffectedArea.ToJson()}");

      // After Validate(), the topology's state should be "AnalyzedWithErrors" because the topology currently has errors.

      Console.WriteLine($"The topology state after validate topology => {topology.GetState()}");

      // If there are no dirty areas, the result envelope should be empty.

      result = topology.Validate(new ValidationDescription(topology.GetExtent()));
      Console.WriteLine($"'AffectedArea' after validating a topology that has just been validated => {result.AffectedArea.ToJson()}");
      if (newFeature != null)
        geodatabase.ApplyEdits(() =>


    // Validate again after deleting the newly-created feature.

    topology.Validate(new ValidationDescription(topology.GetExtent()));

private Feature GetFeature(Geodatabase geodatabase, string featureClassName, long objectID)
  using (FeatureClass featureClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>(featureClassName))
    QueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilter()
      ObjectIDs = new List<long>() { objectID }

    using (RowCursor cursor = featureClass.Search(queryFilter))
      return (Feature)cursor.Current;

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1

See Also


Topology Class
Topology Members