ArcGIS Pro 2.7 API Reference Guide
FormatLocation(Double,Double,SpatialReference) Method

ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.UnitFormats Namespace > DisplayUnitFormat Class > FormatLocation Method : FormatLocation(Double,Double,SpatialReference) Method
The x coordinate
The y coordinate
The spatial reference. WGS84 is assumed if sr is null
Format the input location using the location unit format. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
public string FormatLocation( 
   double x,
   double y,
   SpatialReference sr
Public Overloads Function FormatLocation( _
   ByVal x As Double, _
   ByVal y As Double, _
   Optional ByVal sr As SpatialReference _
) As String


The x coordinate
The y coordinate
The spatial reference. WGS84 is assumed if sr is null

Return Value

A formatted location string
The UnitFormatType must be of type UnitFormatType.Location or an empty string will be returned.
If either of x or y is double.NaN an empty string will be returned.
If the spatial reference is null then WGS84 is assumed.

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1

See Also


DisplayUnitFormat Class
DisplayUnitFormat Members
Overload List