Cell Site Records To Feature Class (Crime Analysis and Safety)


Creates cell site points and sector polygons based on input latitude, longitude, azimuth, beamwidth, and radius information from a cell site table.


  • The cell sector polygons created using this tool are visual representations of the values provided and should not be interpreted as the exact sector boundaries, because beamwidth extents and radial distances may vary.

  • Wireless network providers provide cell site information in a variety of formats and styles. It is not uncommon to receive data in a nontabular format or schema. The Input Cell Site Table parameter value must be a table with column names at the top.

  • The table provided by the wireless network provider may contain call detail records (CDR) and cell site information in one row. When a table is structured this way, it must be separated into two tables. Use the table containing the identifier fields, azimuth, beamwidth and radius as the input to this tool.

  • The table provided by the wireless network provider may contain cell site information for more than one cell sector in one row of a table. When a table is structured this way, additional sector information must be separated into another row.

    For example, if the Input Cell Site Table has 10 records with the Beginning Switch Identifier, Beginning Site Identifier, Beginning Sector Identifier, Beginning Sector Latitude, Beginning Sector Longitude, Beginning Sector Beamwidth, Ending Switch Identifier, Ending Site Identifier, Ending Sector Identifier, Ending Sector Latitude, Ending Sector Longitude, and Ending Sector Beamwidth fields, reformat this table into a new table with the Switch Identifier, Site Identifier, Sector Identifier, Sector Latitude, Sector Longitude, Sector Azimuth, and Sector Beamwidth fields. The new table will contain 20 records with the first 10 records being the values of the beginning sector information and the last 10 records being the values of the ending sector information. In the scenario in which the beginning and ending sector have the same information for given records in the original table, the tool will determine that the ending sector is a duplicate and it will be ignored.

  • The Input Cell Site Table must have a unique ID for each record, representing each unique cell site sector antenna. If the tool determines there is a duplicate unique ID in the table, only one record will be added to the outputs.

  • The outputs of this tool can be used as inputs to the Cell Phone Records To Feature Class tool.

  • An output projected coordinate system is required to calculate sector radius, beamwidth, and azimuth properties more accurately. The output coordinate system should be the same coordinate system as the map, to ensure accuracy.

  • Input records containing null or empty values in the SITEX or SITEY field are ignored.

  • The following fields will be added to the output:

    • UNIQUEID—The unique identifier of the cell sector antennas.
    • SITEX—The x-coordinate of the Input Cell Site Table features.
    • SITEY—The y-coordinate of the Input Cell Site Table features.
    • AZIMUTH—The azimuth of the Input Cell Site Table features or the derived azimuths based on the Default Start Azimuth value.
    • BEAMWIDTH—The beamwidth (angle) of the Input Cell Site Table feature or the Default Beamwidth value.
    • RADIUS—The radial length (signal distance) of the Input Cell Site Table feature or the Default Radius value.
    • RADIUSUNIT—The linear unit of the distance value.
    • AZIMSRC—The source from which the azimuth value is derived.
      • INPUT—The value assigned when the Azimuth Field parameter is used.
      • DEFAULT—The value assigned when the Default Start Azimuth parameter is used.
    • BEAMSRC—The source from which the beamwidth value is derived.
      • INPUT—The value assigned when the Beamwidth Field parameter is used.
      • DEFAULT—The value assigned when the Default Beamwidth parameter is used.
    • RADIUSSRC—The source from which the radius value is derived.
      • INPUT—The value assigned when the Radius Field parameter is used.
      • DEFAULT—The value assigned when the Default Radius Length parameter is used.

    The RADIUSSRC, BEAMSRC, and AZIMSRC field values identify how the cell sector polygon representation is generated.

  • The table provided by the wireless network provider may include a cell site information table with one unique ID field to define all unique records or a combination of identifier fields to define unique records in the table. For example, a table may contain site identifier and sector identifier fields to uniquely define some records, but other records in the table are uniquely defined with Location Area Code identifier and cell identifier fields.

    • When one unique ID field is provided for the input table, set the ID Type option to Unique ID in the Cell Sector ID Fields parameter. In the same parameter, populate the Field option with the field that represents that unique ID.
    • When many ID fields are provided for the table to indicate uniqueness, all ID fields must be added to the output. For each ID field, choose the ID Type value that defines the ID type in the Cell Sector ID Fields parameter. In the same parameter, populate the Field option with the related field that contains the ID information. The tool will combine these ID fields and populate a single unique ID field in the output feature classes called UNIQUEID.

    The following identifier fields will be added to the output if they're specified in the Cell Sector ID Fields parameter:

    • SITEID—The unique identifier of a cell site
    • SECTORID—The unique identifier of a cell sector
    • SWITCHID—The unique identifier of a wireless network switch
    • LACID—The unique identifier of a Location Area Code
    • CASCADEID—The unique identifier of the sector within wireless network cascade
    • CELLID—The unique identifier of the sector within a Location Area Code


arcpy.ca.CellSiteRecordsToFeatureClass(in_table, out_site_feature_class, out_sector_feature_class, id_fields, x_field, y_field, in_coordinate_system, out_coordinate_system, {azimuth_field}, {default_azimuth}, beamwidth_field, {beamwidth_type}, {default_beamwidth}, radius_field, {radius_unit}, {default_radius_length})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The input table containing cell site information provided by the wireless network provider.

Table View

The feature class containing the output cell site points.

Feature Class

The feature class containing the output cell site sectors.

Feature Class

Specifies the unique ID field type and the fields that will be added to the output feature.

Use the Unique ID value when the Input Cell Site Table parameter has a unique identifier for all cell sector antennas. Use a combination of other ID Type values when the Input Cell Site Table parameter does not contain a universal unique identifier for all cell sector antennas.

  • ID Type—The field name to be included in the output feature classes.
  • Field—The name of the fields that uniquely identify the cell sector antennas. These will be added to the output feature class.

ID Type options are as follows:

  • Unique ID—Uniquely identifies a cell sector antenna
  • Site ID—Uniquely identifies a cell site
  • Sector ID—Uniquely identifies a cell sector
  • Switch ID—Uniquely identifies a wireless network switch
  • LAC ID—Uniquely identifies the Location Area Code
  • Cascade ID—Uniquely identifies the sector in the wireless network cascade
  • Cell ID—Identifies the sector within an Location Area Code
Value Table

The field in the input table that contains the x-coordinate of the cell site.


The field in the input table that contains the y-coordinate of the cell site.


The coordinate system of the coordinates specified in the X Field and Y Field parameters.

Coordinate System

The projected coordinate system of the output sites and sectors.

Coordinate System

The field in the input table that contains the direction of the antenna signal (cell sector).

The azimuth field values must be expressed in positive degrees from 0 to 360, measured clockwise from north.


The starting azimuth value of the antenna signals (cell sectors) to be used when the azimuth field is not specified.

For example, if three cell sectors exist at the same location and this parameter is set to 0 degrees. The first sector is generated with an azimuth of 0 degrees, the second sector is generated with an azimuth of 120 degrees, and the third sector is generated with an azimuth of 240 degrees.

This parameter is used when the azimuth field is not specified.

The azimuth value must be expressed in positive degrees from 0 to 360. The default is 0.


The field in the input table containing the full or half beamwidth value (angle) of the antenna signal (cell sector).

The beamwidth must be expressed in positive degrees from 0 to 360. Use 360 for omnidirectional antennas.


Specifies the type of beamwidth value represented in the input cell type table.

  • FULL_BEAMWIDTHFull beamwidth is represented in the input. This is the default.
  • HALF_BEAMWIDTHHalf beamwidth is represented in the input

The beamwidth (in degrees) of the antenna signal (cell sector) to be used when the beamwidth field is not specified.

The default is 90 degrees.


The field in the input table that contains the radial length (signal distance) of the antenna signal (cell sector).


Specifies the linear unit of measurement for the radius field..

  • KILOMETERSThe unit will be kilometers.
  • METERSThe unit will be meters.
  • MILESThe unit will be miles. This is the default.
  • YARDSThe unit will be yards.
  • FEETThe unit will be feet.

The radius length (signal distance) of the antenna signal (cell sector) to be used when the radial field is not specified.

The default is 2.


Code sample

CellSiteRecordsToFeatureClass example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the CellSiteRecordsToFeatureClass function in immediate mode:

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:/data/city_pd.gdb"
                                       "SWITCH_ID SWITCH;SITE_ID SITEID;SECTOR_ID SECTORID",
CellSiteRecordsToFeatureClass example 2 (stand-alone window)

The stand-alone script below is an example of how to use the CellSiteRecordsToFeatureClass function in a script:

# Name: CellSiteRecordsToFeatureClass.py
# Description: Creates cell site points and sector polygons based on input cell 
#              site table.

# Import script modules
import arcpy

# Set the workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\data\city_pd.gdb"

# Set local parameters
in_table = "Sites_Phone_1"
out_sites = "Phone_1_Sites_out"
out_sectors = "Phone_1_Sectors_out"

# Setup IDs
# [ID Type, Field]
switch_id = ["SWITCH_ID","SWITCH"]
site_id = ["SITE_ID","SITEID"]
sector_id = ["SECTOR_ID","SECTORID"]
id_fields = [switch_id, site_id, sector_id]
x_field = "LATITUDE"
y_field = "LONGITUDE"
in_coor_system = 4326
out_coor_system = 102100

# Input Table Contains information that defines how sectors and sites are 
# generated
azimuth_field = "AZIMUTH"
default_start_azimuth = 0
beamwidth_field = "BEAMWIDTH"
beamwidth_type = "FULL_BEAMWIDTH"
default_beamwidth = 90
radius_field = "RADIUS"
default_radius = "MILES"
default_radius_length = 2


Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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