Make Mosaic Layer (Data Management)

This ArcGIS 2.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Creates a mosaic layer from a mosaic dataset or layer file. The layer that is created by the tool is temporary and will not persist after the session ends unless the layer is saved as a layer file or the map is saved.

This tool can be used to make a layer so you can work with a specified subset of bands in a mosaic dataset.


  • To persist your layer, right-click the layer in the Contents Pane and click Save As Layer File, or use the Save To Layer File tool.

  • The output can be created with only a subset of the bands. This will help save time and disk space.

Syntax, out_mosaic_layer, {where_clause}, {template}, {band_index}, {mosaic_method}, {order_field}, {order_base_value}, {lock_rasterid}, {sort_order}, {mosaic_operator}, {cell_size}, {processing_template})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The path and name of the input mosaic dataset.

Mosaic Layer

The name of the output mosaic layer.

Mosaic Layer

Using SQL, you can define a query.

SQL Expression

The output extent can be specified by defining the four coordinates or by using the extent of an existing layer.

  • MAXOF—The maximum extent of all inputs will be used.
  • MINOF—The minimum area common to all inputs will be used.
  • DISPLAY—The extent is equal to the visible display.
  • Layer name—The extent of the specified layer will be used.
  • Extent object—The extent of the specified object will be used.
  • Space delimited string of coordinates—The extent of the specified string will be used. Coordinates are expressed in the order of x-min, y-min, x-max, y-max.

Choose which bands to export for the layer. If no bands are specified, all the bands will be used in the output.

Value Table

Choose the mosaic method. The mosaic method defines how the layer is created from different rasters in the mosaic dataset.

  • CLOSEST_TO_CENTERSorts rasters based on an order where rasters that have their center closest to the view center are placed on top.
  • NORTH_WESTSorts rasters based on an order where rasters that have their center closest to the northwest are placed on top.
  • LOCK_RASTEREnables a user to lock the display of single or multiple rasters, based on an ID or name. When you choose this option, you need to specify the Lock Raster ID.
  • BY_ATTRIBUTESorts rasters based on an attribute field and its difference from the base value. When this option is chosen, the order field and order base value parameters also need to be set.
  • CLOSEST_TO_NADIRSorts rasters based on an order where rasters that have their nadir position closest to the view center are placed on top. The nadir point can be different from the center point, especially in oblique imagery.
  • CLOSEST_TO_VIEWPOINTSorts rasters based on an order where the nadir position is closest to the user-defined viewpoint location and are placed on top.
  • SEAMLINECuts the rasters using the predefined seamline shape for each raster using optional feathering along the seams. The ordering is predefined during seamline generation. The LAST mosaic operator is not valid with this mosaic method.

Choose the order field. When the mosaic method is BY_ATTRIBUTE, the default field to use when ordering rasters needs to be set. The list of fields is defined as those in the service table that are of type metadata.


The order base value. The images are sorted based on the difference between this value and the attribute value in the specified field.


The Raster ID or raster name to which the service should be locked so that only the specified rasters are displayed. If left undefined, it will be similar to the system default. Multiple IDs can be defined as a semicolon-delimited list.


Choose whether the sort order is ascending or descending.

  • ASCENDINGThe sort order will be ascending. This is the default.
  • DESCENDINGThe sort order will be descending.

Choose the mosaic operator to use. When two or more rasters have the same sort priority, this parameter is used to further refine the sort order.

  • FIRSTThe first raster in the list will be on top. This is the default.
  • LASTThe last raster in the list will be on top.
  • MINThe raster with the lowest value will be on top.
  • MAXThe raster with the highest value will be on top.
  • MEANThe average pixel value will be on top.
  • BLENDThe output cell value will be a blend of values; this blend value relies on an algorithm that is weight based and dependent on the distance from the pixel to the edge within the overlapping area.
  • SUMThe output cell value will be the aggregate of all overlapping cells.

The cell size of the output mosaic layer.


The raster function processing template that can be applied on the output mosaic layer.

  • NoneNo processing template.

Code sample

MakeMosaicLayer example 1 (Python window)

This is a Python sample for MakeMosaicLayer.

        "fgdb.gdb/mdsrc", "mdlayer2", "", "clipmd.shp", "3;2;1", 
		"BY_ATTRIBUTE", "Tag", "Dataset", "", "DESCENDING", "LAST", "10", 
MakeMosaicLayer example 2 (Python window)

This is a Python script sample for MakeMosaicLayer.

        "fgdb.gdb/mdsrc", "mdlayer2", "", "clipmd.shp", "3;2;1", 
		"BY_ATTRIBUTE", "Tag", "Dataset", "", "DESCENDING", "LAST", "10", 

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes