Update Interior Orientation (Data Management)

This ArcGIS 2.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Refines the interior orientation for each image in the mosaic dataset by constructing an affine transformation from a fiducial table.


  • The input fiducial table is the output from the Compute Fiducials tool.

  • This tool can be used to update the film coordinate system of the images in a mosaic dataset, for example, when the images are rotated incorrectly after adding them to a mosaic dataset.


arcpy.management.UpdateInteriorOrientation(in_mosaic_dataset, {where_clause}, fiducial_table, film_coordinate_system, {update_footprints})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The mosaic dataset that is created from scanned aerial photos using the scanned raster type or frame camera raster type.

Mosaic Layer

A query definition string that defines a subset of rasters for computing fiducials.

SQL Expression

The fiducial table created using the Compute Fiducials tool.

Table View

Defines the film coordinate system of the scanned aerial photograph. It is used in computing fiducial information and affine transformation construction.

  • NO_CHANGEMaintain the coordinate system of the mosaic dataset. Do not change the film coordinate system of the scanned aerial photograph. Maintain the coordinate system of the mosaic dataset.
  • X_RIGHT_Y_UPThe origin of the scanned photo's coordinate system is the center, and positive X points right and positive Y points up.
  • X_UP_Y_LEFTThe origin of the scanned photo's coordinate system is the center, and positive X points up and positive Y points left.
  • X_LEFT_Y_DOWNThe origin of the scanned photo's coordinate system is the center, and positive X points left and positive Y points down.
  • X_DOWN_Y_RIGHTThe origin of the scanned photo's coordinate system is the center, and positive X points down and positive Y points right.

Generates or updates the footprints of the digital photos in the mosaic dataset.

  • UPDATEThe footprints will be generated or updated.
  • NO_UPDATEThe footprints will not be generated or updated. This is the default

Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The updated mosaic dataset.

Mosaic Layer

Code sample

UpdateInteriorOrientation example 1 (Python window)

This is a Python sample for the UpdateInteriorOrientation tool.

import arcpy
          "c:\\Test\\ortho.gdb\\orthoMD", "", "c:\\test\\fidducial.csv", 
          "X_DOWN_Y_RIGHT", "UPDATE")
UpdateInteriorOrientation example 2 (stand-alone script)

This is a stand-alone script sample for the UpdateInteriorOrientation tool.

import arcpy

in_mosaic_dataset = "c:\\Test\\ortho.gdb\\orthoMD"
whereClause = ""
fiducialTable = "c:\\test\\fidducial.csv"
film_coordsys = "X_DOWN_Y_RIGHT"
update_footprints = "UPDATE"

arcpy.UpdateInteriorOrientation_management(in_mosaic_dataset, whereClause,
fiducialTable, film_coordsys, update_footprints)


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: No
  • Advanced: Yes

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