Generate Range Fans From Features (Defense)

This ArcGIS 2.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Creates range fans with attributes derived from fields in a point feature class or shapefile.


  • Each row in the input feature class will create a range fan.

  • Each row in the input feature class contains a set of range fan creation values.

  • Range fans are created in a clockwise direction from the value in the Horizontal Start Angle Field parameter to the value in the Horizontal End Angle Field parameter.


arcpy.defense.GenerateRangeFansFromFeatures(in_features, output_feature_class, inner_radius_field, outer_radius_field, start_angle_field, end_angle_field, {distance_units}, {angle_units})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The point feature set that identifies the origin points of the range fans. The input must have at least one point.

Feature Layer

The feature class that will contain the output range fan features.

Feature Class

The field that contains the values for the distance from the origin point to the start of the range fan.


The field that contains the values for the distance from the origin point to the end of the range fan.


The field that contains the values for the angle from the origin point to the start of the range fan.


The field that contains the values for the angle from the origin point to the end of the range fan.


Specifies the linear unit of measure for minimum and maximum distance.

  • METERSThe unit will be meters. This is the default.
  • KILOMETERSThe unit will be kilometers.
  • MILESThe unit will be miles.
  • NAUTICAL_MILESThe unit will be nautical miles.
  • FEETThe unit will be feet.
  • US_SURVEY_FEETThe unit will be U.S. survey feet.

Specifies the angular unit of measure for start and end angles.

  • DEGREESThe angle will be degrees. This is the default.
  • MILSThe angle will be mils.
  • RADSThe angle will be radians.
  • GRADSThe angle will be gradians.

Code sample

GenerateRangeFansFromFeatures example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the GenerateRangeFansFromFeatures function.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:/Data"
                                            "min_range", "max_range",
                                            "left_az", "right_az")
GenerateRangeFansFromFeatures example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following example uses the GenerateRangeFansFromFeatures function in an example workflow script.

# Description: Select sensors with a distance-based blind spot (a minimum distance greater than zero) and generate fans.

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Data.gdb"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

# Select points from sensor layer
sensors = "RangeFanInputFeatures"
outputSensors = "Partial_View"
whereClause = "min_range > 0"
arcpy.Select_analysis(sensors, outputSensors, whereClause)

# Generate range fans from sensors
outputFans = "Fans"
arcpy.GenerateRangeFansFromFeatures_defense(outputSensors, outputFans,
                                            "min_range", "max_range",
                                            "left_az", "right_az")

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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