Generate Range Rings From Lookup Table (Defense)

This ArcGIS 2.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Creates a set of concentric circles from a center based on values stored in a lookup table.


  • The Range Ring Type parameter is used to determine whether rings will be created from an interval and number of rings or a minimum and maximum distance. These two range ring types are described as follows:

    • Generating range rings from an interval means you will specify the number of rings to create. The first ring will be a distance from the center point that you specify and each subsequent ring will be created that same distance from the previous ring.
    • Generating range rings from a minimum and maximum distance means you will specify two values, a minimum and maximum. One ring will be created for each value at the specified distance from the center.

  • Range ring values, either interval or minimum and maximum distance, must be stored in a table as follows:

    • The table used to create range rings from an interval must contain a minimum of one row with the following three fields:
      • A text field containing a lookup name that will be used to choose the row containing the values for the interval and the number of rings to be created. The default field name is Name.
      • A long, short, double, or float field containing a value for the interval at which rings will be created. The default field name is Intervals.
      • A long, short, or integer field containing a value for the number of rings to be created. The default field name is Rings.
    • The table used to create range rings from minimum and maximum distances must contain a minimum of one row with the following three fields:
      • A text field containing a lookup name that will be used to choose the row containing the values for the minimum and maximum distances at which rings will be created. The default field name is Name.
      • A long, short, double, or float field containing a value for the minimum distance at which a ring will be created. The default field name is Min.
      • A long, short, double, or float field containing a value for the maximum distance at which a ring will be created. The default field name is Max.


arcpy.defense.GenerateRangeRingsFromTable(in_features, in_table, out_feature_class_rings, lookup_name, range_rings_type, {out_feature_class_radials}, {number_of_radials}, {distance_units}, {lookup_name_field}, {min_range_field}, {max_range_field}, {number_of_rings_field}, {ring_interval_field})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The point feature set that identifies the center of the range ring. The input must have at least one point.

Feature Set

The input table that contains values for creating rings.


The output feature class containing the ring features.

Feature Class

The row from the in_table that contains the input values for minimum and maximum values or number of rings and interval.


Specifies the method used to create the range rings.

  • INTERVALRange rings will be generated based on the number of rings and distance between rings. This the default.
  • MIN_MAXRange rings will be generated based on a minimum and maximum distance.

The feature class containing the output radial features.

Feature Class

The number of radials to create.


Specifies the linear unit of measurement for the ring_interval_field parameter or the min_range_field and max_range_field parameters.

  • METERSThe unit will be meters. This is the default.
  • KILOMETERSThe unit will be kilometers.
  • MILESThe unit will be miles.
  • NAUTICAL_MILESThe unit will be nautical miles.
  • FEETThe unit will be feet.
  • US_SURVEY_FEETThe unit will be U.S. survey feet.

The field from the input table that contains the lookup_name value. The default field name is Name.


The field from the input table that contains the minimum range value. The default field name is Min.


The field from the input table that contains the maximum range value. The default field name is Max.


The field from the input table that contains the number of rings value. The default field name is Rings.


The field from the input table that contains the ring interval value. The default field name is Interval.


Code sample

GenerateRangeRingsFromTable example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the GenerateRangeRingsFromTable function.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:/Data.gdb"
GenerateRangeRingsFromTable example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following example uses the GenerateRangeRingsFromTable function in an example workflow script.

# Description: Generate range rings around active airports

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Data.gdb"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

# Select points from airports from input
airports = "Airports"
active = "Active_Airports"
whereClause = "Active = 'Yes'"
arcpy.Select_analysis(airports, active, whereClause)

# Generate Range Rings around selected airports
outputRings = "Rings"
outputRadials = "Radials"
ringType = "MIN_MAX"
distType = "KILOMETERS"

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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