Finds polygons that overlap or share a common boundary and merges them together to form a single polygon.
You can control which boundaries are merged by specifying a field. For example, if you have a layer of counties and each county has a State_Name field, you can dissolve boundaries using the State_Name field. Adjacent counties will be merged together if they have the same value for State_Name. The end result is a layer of state boundaries.

There are two methods for dissolving boundaries: overlapping or adjacent areas and field value.
The Dissolve Boundaries tool has the option to calculate statistics on numerical fields for areas that are being dissolved together. The statistics include sum, average, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation. Each time a field and statistic is entered, a new row will be added to the tool pane so more than one statistic can be calculated at once.
arcpy.sfa.DissolveBoundaries(inputLayer, outputName, {dissolveFields}, {summaryFields})
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
inputLayer | The layer containing polygon features that will be dissolved or combined. | Feature Set |
outputName | The name of the output layer to create on your portal. | String |
dissolveFields [dissolveFields,...] (Optional) | One or more fields from the input layer that control which polygons are merged. If you don't supply dissolve fields, polygons that share a common border (that is, they are adjacent) or polygon areas that overlap will be dissolved into one polygon. If you do supply fields, polygons that share a common border and contain the same value in one or more fields will be dissolved. For example, if you have a layer of counties and each county has a State_Name attribute, you can dissolve boundaries using the State_Name attribute. Adjacent counties will be merged together if they have the same value for State_Name. The end result is a layer of state boundaries. If two or more fields are specified, the values in these fields must be the same for the boundary to be dissolved. | Field |
summaryFields [[Field, Type],...] (Optional) | A list of field names and statistical summary type that you wish to calculate for all points within each polygon. The count of points within each polygon is always returned. The following statistic types are supported:
| Value Table |
Derived Output
Name | Explanation | Data Type |
output | The output polygon layer with dissolved boundaries. | Feature Set |
Licensing information
- Basic: Requires your account in ArcGIS Enterprise to have the Perform Analysis privilege
- Standard: Requires your account in ArcGIS Enterprise to have the Perform Analysis privilege
- Advanced: Requires your account in ArcGIS Enterprise to have the Perform Analysis privilege