Finds the point, line, or polygon features (or portions of these features) that are within the boundaries of polygons in another layer.
For example
- Given a layer of watershed boundaries and a layer of land-use boundaries by land-use type, calculate total acreage of land-use type for each watershed.
- Given a layer of parcels in a county and a layer of city boundaries, summarize the average value of vacant parcels within each city boundary.
- Given a layer of counties and a layer of roads, summarize the total mileage of roads by road type within each county.

You can think of Summarize Within as taking two layers and stacking them on top of each other. Imagine that the features in one of the layers, the input polygons layer, are all colored red. The other layer, the input summary features, can be any feature type—point, line, or polygon. After stacking these layers on top of each other, you peer down through the stack and count the number of features in the input summary features layer that fall within the polygons with the red boundaries (the input polygons). Not only can you count the number of features, you can calculate simple statistics about the attributes of the features in the input summary features layer, such as sum, mean, minimum, maximum, and so on.
arcpy.sfa.SummarizeWithin(sumWithinLayer, summaryLayer, outputName, {sumShape}, {shapeUnits}, {summaryFields}, {groupByField}, {minorityMajority}, {percentShape})
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
sumWithinLayer | Features, or portions of features, in the input summary features that fall within the boundaries of these polygons will be summarized. | Feature Set |
summaryLayer | The point, line, or polygon features that will be summarized for each input polygon. | Feature Set |
outputName | The name of the output layer to create on your portal. | String |
sumShape (Optional) | Calculate statistics based on the shape of the input summary features, such as the length of lines or areas of polygons of the input summary features within each input polygon.
| Boolean |
shapeUnits (Optional) | If summarizing the shape of the input summary features, specify the units of the shape summary. When the input summary features are polygons, the valid options are acres, hectares, square meters, square kilometers, square feet, square yards, and square miles. When the input summary features are lines, the valid options are meters, kilometers, feet, yards, and miles.
| String |
summaryFields [[Field, Statistic],...] (Optional) | A list of field names and statistical summary type that you wish to calculate for all points within each polygon. The count of points within each polygon is always returned. The following statistic types are supported:
| Value Table |
groupByField (Optional) | This is a field from the input summary features that you can use to calculate statistics separately for each unique attribute value. For example, suppose the input summary features contain point locations of businesses that store hazardous materials, and one of the fields is HazardClass containing codes that describe the type of hazardous material stored. To calculate summaries by each unique value of HazardClass, use it as the group by field. | Field |
minorityMajority (Optional) | This only applies when using a group by field. If you specify ADD_MIN_MAJ, the minority (least dominant) or the majority (most dominant) attribute values for each group field within each boundary are calculated. Two new fields are added to the output layer prefixed with Majority_ and Minority_.
| Boolean |
percentShape (Optional) | This only applies when using a group by field. If checked, the percentage of each unique group value is calculated for each input polygon.
| Boolean |
Derived Output
Name | Explanation | Data Type |
outputLayer | The output summarized layer. | Feature Set |
groupBySummaryLayer | If a group by field was provided, the tool will output a table that contains the calculated statistics for each unique group. | Record Set |
Licensing information
- Basic: Requires your account in ArcGIS Enterprise to have the Perform Analysis privilege
- Standard: Requires your account in ArcGIS Enterprise to have the Perform Analysis privilege
- Advanced: Requires your account in ArcGIS Enterprise to have the Perform Analysis privilege