Generate Unit Openings (Indoors)

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Available for an ArcGIS organization licensed with the Indoors extension.


Creates unit openings as line features that model the location and physical extent of an entrance.

This tool analyzes input unit and door features to identify entrances, such as gates and turnstiles, or physical doors that swing, slide, or rotate. Modeling openings as lines simplifies maps by avoiding complex door symbology. Straight line features for openings are also a requirement for exporting to IMDF.


  • The Input Unit Features parameter must be a polygon feature layer or feature class that conforms to the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model for the Units feature class. These unit features are used to identify the edges along which the openings will be generated. You can limit the generation of openings to specific units by making a selection or defining a query on the input layer.

  • The Input Detail Features parameter must be a polyline feature layer or feature class that conforms to the Indoors model for the Details feature class and contains architectural detail polylines.


    Multipart detail lines that include doors and interior walls that define an entrance must be separated into singlepart features using the Multipart To Singlepart tool before running this tool.

    • Use the Door Detail Expression parameter to define the detail lines that represent door openings on units. This includes doors composed of single or multiple features, straight lines across an opening, curved lines representing doors swings, circular lines representing revolving doors, and other types of doors. This expression is applied in addition to any definition query or selection on the input detail layer.
    • Use the Wall Detail Expression parameter to define the detail lines that represent walls bounding the input units features. There may be different types of wall lines around the units, for example, Walls, Interior Walls, or Glass Walls, and the expression should include a condition for each type of wall feature.
  • The Wall Thickness Tolerance parameter specifies the distance that the tool will search inward and outward from the edge of a unit feature to find an input door feature. It allows the tool to detect both in-swing and out-swing doors as well as doors that are not coincident with the unit.

  • The generated door openings will be written to the Target Openings layer with the USE_TYPE field value set to Opening.

  • The z-value of the output openings features are derived from the ELEVATION_RELATIVE field on the Input Unit Features parameter values.


arcpy.indoors.GenerateUnitOpenings(in_unit_features, in_detail_features, door_detail_expression, wall_detail_expression, target_openings, {wall_thickness_tolerance}, {delete_existing_openings})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The input polygon features representing unit footprints for one or more buildings. In the Indoors model, this is the Units layer. The tool only processes the building floors that contain the selected features.

Feature Layer

The input polyline features representing the architectural detail polylines.

Feature Layer

An SQL expression used to identify which detail polylines represent doors.

SQL Expression

An SQL expression used to identify which detail polylines represent walls.

SQL Expression

The existing polyline feature class or feature layer to which generated polylines will be written. In the Indoors model this is the Details layer.

Feature Layer

The distance the tool will search inward and outward from the edge of a unit feature to find a door feature. The default unit of measurement is feet. The default value is 2 feet but can range from 0 to 6 feet.

Linear Unit

Specifies whether existing opening features with a USE_TYPE field value of Opening will be deleted before creating new opening features. If deleted, the tool will replace existing openings with new openings if they are at the same location.

  • DELETE_EXISTINGExisting openings will be deleted.
  • KEEP_EXISTINGExisting openings will not be deleted. This is the default.

Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The updated Target Openings feature layer or feature class.

Feature Layer

Code sample

GenerateUnitOpenings example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the GenerateUnitOpenings function in immediate mode.

import arcpy
                                  "USE_TYPE IN('Door')",
                                  "USE_TYPE IN ('Wall', 'Interior Wall')",
                                  "2 feet", 
GenerateUnitOpenings example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the GenerateUnitOpenings function.

# Name:
# Description: Creates Unit Openings for selected doors features

import arcpy

# Set tool parameters
in_unit_features = "C:/Indoors/ExampleCampus.gdb/Units"
in_detail_features = "C:/Indoors/ExampleCampus.gdb/Details"

#Define which Details features represent doors and walls
door_detail_expression = "USE_TYPE IN ('Door')"
wall_detail_expression = "USE_TYPE IN ('Wall', 'Interior Wall')"

target_openings = "C:/Indoors/ExampleCampus.gdb/Details"
wall_thickness_tolerance = "2 feet"
delete_existing_openings = "KEEP_EXISTING"

# Run the tool
arcpy.indoors.GenerateUnitOpenings(in_unit_features, in_detail_features, door_detail_expression, wall_detail_expression, target_openings, 
					wall_thickness_tolerance, delete_existing_openings)


Licensing information

  • Basic: Requires Indoors
  • Standard: Requires Indoors
  • Advanced: Requires Indoors

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