Find Meeting Locations (Intelligence)

This ArcGIS 2.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Identifies locations where multiple unique movement tracks have dwelled for a defined time period.


  • The tool identifies the dwell locations of individual tracks in a movement track point dataset and also identifies where multiple unique tracks are colocated. Time must be enabled on the Input Features.

    For information on how to time enable a dataset, see Set the time properties on data.

  • The tool creates two output feature classes: an area feature class indicating the locations identified as potential meeting sites and a point dataset as the centroid of the unique meeting location.

    The output area feature class will include the following fields:

    • total_unique_ids—The number of unique movement track point identifiers located in the given area feature.
    • total_meetings—The number of meetings that occurred in the given area feature. For example, the total_unique_ids field could contain a relatively low count, but the total_meetings field count could be high, indicating that the location was used numerous times by a select number of identifiers.
    • mean_meeting_duration—The average (mean) amount of time, in seconds, meetings lasted at the location.
    • min_meeting_duration—The shortest amount of time, in seconds, a meeting lasted at the location.
    • max_meeting_duration—The longest amount of time, in seconds, a meeting lasted at the location.
    • minimum_meeting_start—The date and time of the beginning of the first meeting at the location.
    • maximum_meeting_end—The date and time of the end of the last meeting at the location.

    The output point feature class will include the following fields:

    • participant_1—The first unique identifier in the given area as specified in the In Features Name Field parameter.
    • participant_2—The second unique identifier in the given area as specified in the In Features Name Field parameter.
    • meeting_duration—The length of the meeting in seconds.
    • meeting_start—The date and time of the beginning of the meeting.
    • meeting_end—The date and time of the end of the meeting.

  • The tool can be used to identify where movement track points are loitering and possibly meeting. To identify movement track points that are moving together through space and time, use the Find Cotravelers tool.


arcpy.intelligence.FindMeetingLocations(in_features, out_area_features, out_point_features, unique_name_field, {search_distance}, {minimum_loiter_time})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The input movement track points that will be analyzed for possible meeting locations. This layer must be time enabled.

Feature Layer

The output area features that represent the extent of the identified meeting location.

Feature Class

The output point features that represent the centroid of the area of the individual meeting. Multiple meetings can occur at a given meeting location. This feature class contains all of the details regarding the individual meetings including participants, duration, and start and end times.

Feature Class

The field containing the unique identifiers for movement track points.


The maximum search distance a movement track can loiter before it is no longer considered part of a meeting. The default is 100 meters.

Linear Unit

The minimum amount of time a movement track point can loiter in an area before it is considered to be dwelling. This helps identify possible meeting locations where multiple unique movement tracks are dwelling in the same time and space. The default is 10 minutes.

Time Unit

Code sample

FindMeetingLocations example (stand-alone script)

The following Python script demonstrates how the use the FindMeetingLocations function in a stand-alone script.

# Name:
# Description: Identify possible meeting locations in a movement track point dataset. 

# Import system modules 
import arcpy 

arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data/Tracks.gdb"

# Set local variables 
movement_points = "Movement_Points"
out_area_features = "Meeting_Locations"
out_point_features = "Meeting_Details"
point_id_field = "Created_By"
search_distance = "100 Meters"
min_loiter_time = "10 Minutes"

# Execute tool

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: No
  • Advanced: Yes

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