Create S-57 Exchange Set (Maritime)

This ArcGIS 2.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Available with Maritime Charting license.


Allows a mariner to view the Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) datasets in an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) for shipboard navigation.

An exchange set is a package of files that contains one catalog file and at least one S-57 dataset file (New Edition [EN] and Revised Edition [ER]). Once you have exported and published your S-57 data, you need to package the S-57 dataset files into a valid S-57 exchange set.


  • Validate the S-57 product and clear it for publishing before creating the exchange set.

  • This tool packages external files referenced by features in the following formats:

    • ENC: (*.txt, *.jpg, and *.tif)
    • IENC: (*.txt, *.jpg, *.tif, and *.xml)
    • AML: (*.txt, *.tif, *.pdf, *.html, *.htm, .jpeg, *.jpg, *.avi, .mpeg, and *.mpg)
    • Additional file types can be configured for each product type in <install location>\Resources\Maritime\S57ISO8211.xml.

  • If an external file with the same name exists in multiple input folders, the one in the same folder as the S-57 product is given highest priority, followed by the order in which the folders appear in the input.


arcpy.maritime.CreateS57ExchangeSet(in_directories, out_directory, layout_format, {updates_only})
ParameterExplanationData Type

Folders that contain at least one S-57 base cell (*.000) and, optionally, any of the following:

  • S-57 update datasets
  • README.txt file
  • Any referenced files in the S-57 cells (*.txt, *.tif, and *.jpg)


The location of an empty folder where the ENC_ROOT folder will be written. The folder must be empty for the tool to execute successfully.


Specifies the directory and folder structure of the exchange set.

  • VERSION_LAYOUT The exchange set will be written in the format ENC_ROOT\CATALOG.031, ENC_ROOT\<Agency>\<ProductName>\<MajorEdition>\<MinorEdition>\<S57Product>, <Referenced Files>. This is the default.
  • PRODUCT_LAYOUTThe exchange set will be written in the format ENC_ROOT\CATALOG.031, ENC_ROOT\<ProductName>\<S57Product>, <Referenced Files>.
  • FLAT_LAYOUTThe exchange set will be written in the format ENC_ROOT\CATALOG.031, <S57Product(s)>, <Referenced Files>.

Specifies how S-57 update datasets in the input folder will be processed.

  • INCLUDE_ALLThe output exchange set will include the S-57 base dataset and any updates. This is the default.
  • INCLUDE_ONLY_UPDATESThe output exchange set will include all the updates but not the base dataset. If there are no updates, the output will include the S-57 base dataset.

Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The location of an empty folder where the ENC_ROOT folder will be written.


Code sample

CreateS57ExchangeSet example (stand-alone script)

The following code example demonstrates how to use the CreateS57ExchangeSet tool.

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy

input_directories = [r"C:\data\AML\cells", r"C:\data\AML\external_files"]
output_directory = r"C:\output"
layout_format = "FLAT_LAYOUT"
updates_only = "INCLUDE_ALL"

# Process: Create S-57 Exchange Set
arcpy.maritime.CreateS57ExchangeSet(input_directories, output_directory, layout_format, updates_only)


Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Requires ArcGIS Maritime
  • Advanced: Requires ArcGIS Maritime

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