Output from Solve Vehicle Routing Problem

Upon successful execution, the service returns the solution to the specified vehicle routing problem. The solution is composed of the output parameters described below.


This provides information about stops made at depots, orders, and breaks. The information includes which routes make the stops, the arrival and departure times, and the stop sequence.


When the Populate Stop Shapes parameter is set to True, this parameter is a feature class. Otherwise, it is a table.

The parameter supports the following fields:



The name of the stop. The value of this field is the same as the Name field from the input orders, depots, or breaks. You can use the StopType field to determine if the Name field value refers to a depot, an order, or a break.


Indicates whether the stop represents a depot, an order, or a break. The field value is an integer that can be interpreted in the following ways:

  • 0—The stop is an order.
  • 1—The stop is a depot.
  • 2—The stop is a break.


The amount of cargo or number of people to be picked up from a stop. If multiple dimensions are delivered to a stop, each quantity is separated by a space.

The units for the value of this field aren't stored. You should interpret the units according to the way you specified the Capacities field on the input routes and the PickupQuantities and DeliveryQuantities fields on the input orders.


The amount of cargo or number of people to be delivered to a stop. If multiple dimensions are delivered to a stop, each quantity is separated by a space.

The units for the value of this field aren't stored. You should interpret the units according to the way you specified the Capacities field on the input routes and the PickupQuantities and DeliveryQuantities fields on the input orders.


The name of the route to which the stop is assigned.


The relative sequence in which the assigned route visits the stop.


The elapsed travel time from the route's previous stop to the current stop.

The value is in the units specified by the Time Units parameter.


The distance along the route from the previous stop to the current stop.

The value is in the units specified by the Distance Units parameter.


Indicates the side of the vehicle the curb is on when arriving at the stop. A value of 1 means the right side of the vehicle; a value of 2 means the left side.


Indicates the side of the vehicle the curb is on when departing from the stop. A value of 1 means the right side of the vehicle; a value of 2 means the left side.


The time of day the route arrives at the stop. The time of day value for this field is in the time zone in which the stop is located.


The time of day the route departs from the stop. The time of day value for this field is in the time zone in which the stop is located.


The time of day the route arrives at the stop. This value is in coordinated universal time (UTC).


The time of day the route departs from the stop. This value is in coordinated universal time (UTC).


The wait time or layover at the stop. For example, a wait time is incurred when a route must wait at an order for a time window to open.

The value is in the units specified by the Time Units parameter.


The amount of time elapsed from the end of the stop's time window to the arrival of the route vehicle.

The value is in the units specified by the Time Units parameter.


The ObjectID of the input order, depot, or break. This field can be used to join attributes from input features.


The provides access to the drivers, vehicles, and route paths of a vehicle routing problem analysis.

The Populate Route Lines and Route Line Simplification Tolerance parameters influence the shape of the output routes.

The parameter supports the following fields:



The name of the route. The values for this field are copied from the Name field on the input routes.


This field contains a summary of violated constraints and is set after a solve operation. If a route causes a constraint to be violated, a combination of one or more of the violations listed below could be assigned to the field.


The coded value that represents the text description is shown in the list below in parentheses. Notice that the coded values are part of a geometric sequence that increases by doubling the last value. This allows various combinations of violations to be coded. For instance, the combination of Capacities exceeded (2) and Hard route zone (128) is coded as 130 (2 +128).

  • MaxOrderCount exceeded (1)—The preassigned orders cannot be assigned to the route since assigning the orders would exceed the maximum number of orders that can be assigned to the route as specified by the route's MaxOrderCount field value.
  • Capacities exceeded (2)—The preassigned orders cannot be assigned to the route since assigning the orders would exceed the total route capacity as specified by the route's Capacities field value.
  • MaxTotalTime exceeded (4)—The travel time from the start depot to the end depot plus the service and wait times at both depots and any break exceeds the total time for the route as specified by the route's MaxTotalTime field value.
  • MaxTotalTravelTime exceeded (8)—The travel time from the start depot to the end depot exceeds the total travel time for the route as specified by the route's MaxTotalTravelTime field value.
  • MaxTotalDistance exceeded (16)—The travel distance from the start depot to the end depot exceeds the total travel distance for the route as specified by the route's MaxTotalDistance field value.
  • Hard time window (32)—There is a hard time window violation on the start depot, end depot, or break associated with the route.
  • Unmatched specialty (64)—The specialties required by an order are not found on the target route.
  • Hard route zone (128)—An order that was preassigned to the route does not fall within a hard route zone.
  • Order pair MaxTransitTime exceeded (256)—There is an order pair preassigned to the route, and assigning the orders in the order pair would exceed the maximum transit time for the order pair as specified by the order pair's MaxTransitTime field value.
  • Order pair violation (512)—An order belongs to an order pair and cannot be assigned to the preassigned route.
  • Unreachable (1024)—A preassigned order is located on a network element that cannot be reached by the route.
  • Cannot insert required break (2048)—A break for the route has a null sequence value in the presence of preassigned orders, and the break cannot be inserted anywhere without introducing other violations.
  • Cannot insert required renewal (4096)—A route exceeds its capacity and needs to visit a route renewal; however, the associated route renewal has a null sequence value in the presence of preassigned orders and cannot be inserted anywhere without introducing other violations.
  • MaxTravelTimeBetweenBreaks exceeded (8192)—The solver was unable to insert a break within the time specified by the break's MaxTravelTimeBetweenBreaks field. This is often caused by preassigning a sequence to a break such that it cannot be reached within the maximum travel time.

  • Break MaxCumulWorkTime exceeded (16384)—The solver was unable to insert a break within the time specified by the break's MaxCumulWorkTime field. This is often caused by preassigning a sequence to a break such that it cannot be reached within the maximum work time.
  • InboundArriveTime or OutboundDepartTime order violation (32768)—The order couldn't be serviced within the inbound arrive time or output depart time constraints. This violation occurs when all the routes' LatestStartTime field values precede the InboundArriveTime values or none of the routes can reach a depot before the order's OutboundDepartTime value.
  • Cannot anchor first/last (65536)—The order has an Anchor first or Anchor last assignment rule, but the solver was not able to honor this constraint. This violation occurs when the number of Anchor first orders or the number of Anchor last orders is greater than the number of available routes.


The number of orders assigned to the route.


The total operating cost of the route, which is the sum of the following field values: FixedCost, RegularTimeCost, OvertimeCost, and DistanceCost.


The cost of regular work time, excluding any unpaid breaks.


The cost of overtime work, excluding any unpaid breaks.


The distance cost component obtained by multiplying the TotalDistance and CostPerUnitDistance field values.


The total route duration. This includes travel times as well as service and wait times at orders, depots, and breaks. The TotalTime value is the sum of the following attribute fields:

  • StartDepotServiceTime
  • EndDepotServiceTime
  • TotalOrderServiceTime
  • TotalBreakServiceTime
  • TotalRenewalServiceTime
  • TotalWaitTime
  • TotalTravelTime

The value is in the units specified by the Time Units parameter.


The total service time spent at all orders on the route.

The value is in the units specified by the Time Units parameter.


The total service time spent at all breaks on the route.

The value is in the units specified by the Time Units parameter.


The total travel time for the route.

The value is in the units specified by the Time Units parameter.


The total travel distance for the route.

The value is in the units specified by the Distance Units parameter.


The starting time of the route. The route may start before the beginning of its start depot's time window, in which case there is a wait time at the starting depot. The time of day value for this attribute is in the time zone in which the starting depot is located.


The ending time of the route. The route ends upon completion of service at the ending depot. The time of day value for this attribute is in the time zone in which the ending depot is located.


The start time of the route in coordinated universal time (UTC).


The end time of the route in coordinated universal time (UTC).


The total wait time at all orders, depots, and breaks on the route.

The value is in the units specified by the Time Units parameter.


The total violation time at all orders and breaks on the route.

The value is in the units specified by the Time Units parameter.


For a route with renewals, this is equal to the number of visits to depots for the purpose of renewing a vehicle, that is, loading or unloading a vehicle.


For a route with renewals, this is the total service time spent at all renewal visits on the route.

The value is in the units specified by the Time Units parameter.


This provides access to the turn-by-turn directions for each resulting route.

The Directions Language, Directions Distance Units, and Directions Style Name parameters influence the travel directions. The parameter returns empty features if the Populate Directions parameter is False.

The following table lists the fields that are returned for output directions:



The name of the route to which the driving action applies. This value is the same as the Name field of the output routes.


The time of day to initiate the given driving action. If the route spans multiple days, the date and time of day are displayed.


The type of maneuver that the directions feature represents or the type of the directions text. To determine whether Type refers to a maneuver type or a directions string type, check the value of the SubItemType field.

Type can be used, for example, to assign an icon for direction text based on the maneuver type, or it can use a formatting style based on the directions string type when displaying the driving directions in your application.

The Type value is an integer from the Maneuver Types or Directions String Types lists below.

Maneuver Types

  • 0: Unknown
  • 1: Arrive at Stop
  • 2: Go straight
  • 3: Bear left
  • 4: Bear right
  • 5: Turn left
  • 6: Turn right
  • 7: Make sharp left
  • 8: Make sharp right
  • 9: Make U-turn
  • 10: Take ferry
  • 11: Take roundabout
  • 12: Merge to highway
  • 13: Exit highway
  • 14: Go on another highway
  • 15: At fork keep center
  • 16: At fork keep left
  • 17: At fork keep right
  • 18: Depart stop
  • 19: Trip planning item
  • 20: End of ferry
  • 21: Ramp right
  • 22: Ramp left
  • 23: Turn left and immediately turn right
  • 24: Turn right and immediately turn left
  • 25: Turn right and immediately turn right
  • 26: Turn left and immediately turn left

Directions String Types

  • 0: General directions string type
  • 1: Depart directions string type
  • 2: Arrive directions string type
  • 3: Length directions string type
  • 4: Time directions string type
  • 5: Time summary directions string type
  • 6: Time Window directions string type
  • 7: Violation Time directions string type
  • 8: Wait Time directions string type
  • 9: Service Time directions string type
  • 10: Estimated Arrival Time directions string type
  • 11: Cumulative Length directions string type
  • 12: Street name directions string type
  • 13: Alternate street name directions string type
  • 14: Sign branch information directions string type
  • 15: Sign toward information directions string type
  • 16: Cross street name directions string type
  • 17: Sign exit number directions string type


Specifies whether the Type field refers to an integer from the Directions String Types table or the Maneuver Types table.

  • If the SubItemType value is 1, the Type refers to the values from the Maneuver Types table.
  • If the SubItemType value is 2, the Type refers to the values from the Directions String Types table.


A text description of the travel directions.


The time elapsed in minutes from when the current driving direction starts until the next one starts, or until the route ends for the last driving direction.


The distance from where the current driving direction occurs to where the next one occurs, or to where the route ends for the last driving direction.

The value is in the units specified by the Directions_Distance_Units parameter.

This value is zero for driving directions that occur at the same location where the next one begins. For example, the DriveDistance is 0 for the directions text at the start of the route.


This provides access to the orders that couldn't be visited by any routes. You can also determine why the orders couldn't be visited and make the necessary changes to correct the problem.


When the Populate Stop Shapes parameter is set to True, this parameter is a feature class. Otherwise, it is a table.

The parameter supports the following fields:



Indicates whether the stop represents a depot, an order, or a break. The field value is an integer that can be interpreted in the following ways:

  • 0—The stop is an order.
  • 1—The stop is a depot.
  • 2—The stop is a break.


The name of the stop. The value of this field is the same as the Name field from input orders, depots, or breaks. You can use the StopType field to determine if the Name field value refers to a depot, an order, or a break.


This field contains a summary of violated constraints and is set after a solve operation. If a route causes a constraint to be violated, a combination of one or more of the violations listed below could be assigned to the field.


The coded value that represents the text description is shown in the list below in parentheses. Notice that the coded values are part of a geometric sequence that increases by doubling the last value. This allows various combinations of violations to be coded. For instance, the combination of Capacities exceeded (2) and Hard route zone (128) is coded as 130 (2 +128).

  • MaxOrderCount exceeded (1)—The preassigned orders cannot be assigned to the route since assigning the orders would exceed the maximum number of orders that can be assigned to the route as specified by the route's MaxOrderCount field value.
  • Capacities exceeded (2)—The preassigned orders cannot be assigned to the route since assigning the orders would exceed the total route capacity as specified by the route's Capacities field value.
  • MaxTotalTime exceeded (4)—The travel time from the start depot to the end depot plus the service and wait times at both depots and any break exceeds the total time for the route as specified by the route's MaxTotalTime field value.
  • MaxTotalTravelTime exceeded (8)—The travel time from the start depot to the end depot exceeds the total travel time for the route as specified by the route's MaxTotalTravelTime field value.
  • MaxTotalDistance exceeded (16)—The travel distance from the start depot to the end depot exceeds the total travel distance for the route as specified by the route's MaxTotalDistance field value.
  • Hard time window (32)—There is a hard time window violation on the start depot, end depot, or break associated with the route.
  • Unmatched specialty (64)—The specialties required by an order are not found on the target route.
  • Hard route zone (128)—An order that was preassigned to the route does not fall within a hard route zone.
  • Order pair MaxTransitTime exceeded (256)—There is an order pair preassigned to the route, and assigning the orders in the order pair would exceed the maximum transit time for the order pair as specified by the order pair's MaxTransitTime field value.
  • Order pair violation (512)—An order belongs to an order pair and cannot be assigned to the preassigned route.
  • Unreachable (1024)—A preassigned order is located on a network element that cannot be reached by the route.
  • Cannot insert required break (2048)—A break for the route has a null sequence value in the presence of preassigned orders, and the break cannot be inserted anywhere without introducing other violations.
  • Cannot insert required renewal (4096)—A route exceeds its capacity and needs to visit a route renewal; however, the associated route renewal has a null sequence value in the presence of preassigned orders and cannot be inserted anywhere without introducing other violations.
  • MaxTravelTimeBetweenBreaks exceeded (8192)—The solver was unable to insert a break within the time specified by the break's MaxTravelTimeBetweenBreaks field. This is often caused by preassigning a sequence to a break such that it cannot be reached within the maximum travel time.

  • Break MaxCumulWorkTime exceeded (16384)—The solver was unable to insert a break within the time specified by the break's MaxCumulWorkTime field. This is often caused by preassigning a sequence to a break such that it cannot be reached within the maximum work time.
  • InboundArriveTime or OutboundDepartTime order violation (32768)—The order couldn't be serviced within the inbound arrive time or output depart time constraints. This violation occurs when all the routes' LatestStartTime field values precede the InboundArriveTime values or none of the routes can reach a depot before the order's OutboundDepartTime value.
  • Cannot anchor first/last (65536)—The order has an Anchor first or Anchor last assignment rule, but the solver was not able to honor this constraint. This violation occurs when the number of Anchor first orders or the number of Anchor last orders is greater than the number of available routes.


Indicates the status of the stop in the solution returned by the service. The attribute value is an integer that can be interpreted in the following ways:

  • 0—The stop was successfully evaluated.
  • 1—The point was not successfully located on the network.
  • 2—The network element identified by the point's network location fields can't be found. This can occur when a network element where the point should be was deleted, and the network location was not recalculated.
  • 3—The street on which the stop is located is not traversable. This can occur if the street is restricted by a restriction specified by the restrictions parameter.
  • 4—The attribute values of the stop fall outside the coded value or range domains expected by the service. For example, a negative number may exist where positive numbers are required.
  • 5—The service can't arrive at the stop.
  • 6 (Time window violation)—Time windows on the stop cannot be reached on time; the route arrives early or late.
  • 7 (Not located on closest)—The closest network location to the stop is not traversable because of a restriction or barrier, so the stop has been located on the closest traversable network feature instead.


Use this parameter to determine if the analysis was successful.


Use this parameter to access the results from the analysis as a .zip file containing one or more files for each output. The format of the individual file is specified by the Output Format parameter. The parameter value is not populated when the Output Format parameter is set to Feature Set.

When a file-based output format—such as JSON File or GeoJSON File—is specified, no outputs are added to the display, since the application (such as ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro) does not draw the contents of the result file. Instead, the result file is downloaded to a temporary directory on your machine. In ArcGIS Pro, the location of the downloaded file can be determined by viewing the Output Result File parameter value in the entry corresponding to the tool execution in the geoprocessing history of your project. In ArcMap, the location of the file can be determined by accessing the Copy Location option in the shortcut menu on the Output Result File parameter in the entry corresponding to the tool execution in the Geoprocessing Results window.


Use this parameter to access a .zip file that contains a file geodatabase containing the inputs and outputs of the analysis in a format that can be used to share route layers with ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS. The parameter value is populated only when the Save Route Data parameter is set to True.

The file is downloaded to a temporary directory on your machine. In ArcGIS Pro, the location of the downloaded file can be determined by viewing the Output Route Data parameter value in the entry corresponding to the tool execution in the geoprocessing history of your project. In ArcMap, the location of the file can be determined by accessing the Copy Location option in the shortcut menu on the Output Route Data parameter in the entry corresponding to the tool execution in the Geoprocessing Results window.


Use this parameter to access the network analysis layer file that stores the analysis settings and the inputs and outputs used for the analysis. The parameter value is populated only when the Save Output Network Analysis Layer parameter is set to True.

The file is downloaded to a temporary directory on your machine. In ArcGIS Pro, the location of the downloaded file can be determined by viewing the Output Network Analysis Layer parameter value in the entry corresponding to the tool execution in the geoprocessing history of your project. In ArcMap, the location of the file can be determined by accessing the Copy Location option in the shortcut menu on the Output Network Analysis Layer parameter in the entry corresponding to the tool execution in the Geoprocessing Results window.


You cannot work directly with this file even when you open the file in an ArcGIS Desktop application such as ArcMap since its data source will not be valid. The file is meant to be sent to Esri Technical Support to diagnose the quality of results returned from the tool.