Extract by Attributes (Spatial Analyst)

Available with Spatial Analyst license.


Extracts the cells of a raster based on a logical query.


Extract by Attributes illustration
OutRas = ExtractByAttributes(InRas1, "Value > 0")


  • Additional attributes from the input raster, if any, will be carried over as-is to the output raster attribute table. Depending on the property being recorded, some of the attribute values may need to be recalculated.

  • When a multiband raster is specified as the Input Raster (in_raster in Python), all bands will be used.

    To process a selection of bands from a multiband raster, first create a new raster dataset composed of those particular bands using the Composite Bands tool. Then use the result as the Input Raster (in_raster in Python).

    The default output format is a geodatabase raster. If an Esri Grid stack is specified as the output format, the name of the stack cannot start with a number, use spaces, or be more than nine characters in length.

  • If the Where clause evaluates to true, the original input value is returned for the cell location. If it evaluates to false, the cell location is assigned NoData.

  • The Where clause uses an SQL query. See the following topics for more details on creating queries:

  • In order to use a {where_clause} in Python, it should be enclosed in quotes. For example, "Value > 5000".

    You can consult the help for more information on specifying a query in Python.

  • If an item other than Value of input raster is specified in the query, the original input value is returned for the cell location.

  • If the input raster is integer, the output raster will be integer. If the input is floating point, the output will be floating point.

  • See Analysis environments and Spatial Analyst for additional details on the geoprocessing environments that apply to this tool.


ExtractByAttributes(in_raster, where_clause)
ParameterExplanationData Type

The input raster from which cells will be extracted.

Raster Layer

A logical expression that selects a subset of raster cells.

The expression follows the general form of an SQL expression. An example of a where_clause is "VALUE > 100".

SQL Expression

Return Value

NameExplanationData Type

The output raster containing the cell values extracted from the input raster.


Code sample

ExtractByAttributes example 1 (Python window)

This example extracts cells from a raster based on a logical query, where elevation is greater than 1,000 meters.

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *
env.workspace = "C:/sapyexamples/data"
attExtract = ExtractByAttributes("elevation", "VALUE > 1000") 
ExtractByAttributes example 2 (stand-alone script)

This example extracts cells from a raster based on a logical query, where elevation is greater than 1,000 meters.

# Name: ExtractByAttributes_Ex_02.py
# Description: Extracts the cells of a raster based on a logical query. 
# Requirements: Spatial Analyst Extension

# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *

# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/sapyexamples/data"

# Set local variables
inRaster = "elevation"
inSQLClause = "VALUE > 1000"

# Execute ExtractByAttributes
attExtract = ExtractByAttributes(inRaster, inSQLClause) 

# Save the output 

Licensing information

  • Basic: Requires Spatial Analyst
  • Standard: Requires Spatial Analyst
  • Advanced: Requires Spatial Analyst

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