Add Level Variables (Territory Design)

This ArcGIS 2.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Available with Business Analyst license.


Adds a new field at the specified level.


  • Fields that are added will be based on a numeric field from the level below the territory level and will be calculated based on the type of statistic specified by the user.

  • The variable is added to any level above the base or alignment level [0].

  • All numeric fields are supported.

Syntax, level, base_level, variables)
ParameterExplanationData Type

The input territory solution.

Group Layer; Feature Dataset; String

The level to which the calculated field will be added.


The level below the territory level from which the attribute value will be added.

[[statistic, statistic_field, field_name, field_alias_name],...]

The variables that will be added to the level.

  • statistic_field—Field for statistical calculation.
  • statistic—Type of statistical calculation.
    • count—Employs count in the derivation of the statistical calculation.
    • sum—Employs summation in the derivation of the statistical calculation.
    • maximum—Employs the maximum value in the derivation of the statistical calculation.
    • minimum—Employs the minimum value in the derivation of the statistical calculation.
    • average—Employs average in the derivation of the statistical calculation.
    • median—Employs the use of median techniques in the derivation of the statistical calculation.
    • standard_deviation—Employs standard deviation in the derivation of the statistical calculation.
    • percent_of_total—Employs percentage techniques in the derivation of the statistical calculation.
  • field_name—Valid name of the field on the level where calculated data will be stored.
  • field_alias_name—Readable and understandable name of the calculated field.
Value Table

Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The updated territory solution.

Group Layer

Code sample

AddLevelVariables example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the AddLevelVariables tool.

import arcpy"TD", "Territory[1]", "BaseLevel[0]", "populationtotals_totpop_cy SUM TotalPopulation 'Total Pop'")


Licensing information

  • Basic: Requires Business Analyst
  • Standard: Requires Business Analyst
  • Advanced: Requires Business Analyst

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