Set Production Properties (Topographic Production)

This ArcGIS 2.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Updates the production properties extended properties table of a Workflow Manager (Classic) job based on its production type to ensure that the job and any associated tasks use the correct data and maps.


This tool is designed to be run as a step in a Workflow Manager (Classic) workflow. Running this tool outside of Workflow Manager (Classic) does not honor all Workflow Manager (Classic) constraints such as job assignment, dependencies, or holds and may cause a job to enter an unusable state.


This tool is intended for use with the Topographic Mapping production workflows and will not support an improperly configured Workflow Manager (Classic) repository. Sample workflows and instructions for configuring Topographic Mapping production workflows are available as part of the product file installer.


  • In Topographic Mapping production workflows, a production type defines the database and maps that are used to perform a type of production work such as MGCP data extraction or TM50 cartography.

  • For the tool to run, the PRODUCTION_TYPE extended property must be configured with a valid production type. Production types are defined by your Workflow Manager (Classic) administrator as part of configuring the Topographic Mapping production workflows.

  • The tool ensures that other workflow steps, such as Open Map, use the appropriate map as defined by the production type.

  • This tool creates and assembles a job directory containing all the files that are needed to complete the Workflow Manager (Classic) job. The job directory includes the following:

    • A folder with the job name in the path specified in the SHARED_ROOT_PATH extended property.
    • If the PRODUCT_FILE_PATH property is defined for the production type, all files from this path are included in the job directory.
    • The Geodatabases folder.
      • If the SCHEMA_DATABASE_NAME property is defined for the production type, the first geodatabase with this name found in the job directory is moved to the Geodatabases folder. The database is renamed to the job name.
      • If the SCHEMA_DATABASE_NAME property is not defined for the production type, a new file geodatabase is created in the Geodatabases folder with the name of the job.
      • A feature class, JobAOI, is added to the database with the name of the job. This feature class contains the area-of-interest polygon for the job. The JobAOI.lyrx layer file is added to the folder, and points are added to the newly created feature class.
      • The ReviewerWorkspace_Job_<job_ID> geodatabase is created. This geodatabase will have the schema required for storing Data Reviewer records.
    • The Maps folder.
      • The first .mxd, .mapx, or .pagx file found in the template directory with the name defined as the ITEM_NAME property for the production type is moved to the Maps folder and renamed to the job name.


arcpy.topographic.SetProductionProperties(job_id, {database_path})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The ID of the Workflow Manager (Classic) job that will be updated.


The Workflow Manager (Classic) database connection file (.jtc) that contains the job information. If no connection file is specified, the current default Workflow Manager (Classic) database will be used.


Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The ID of the updated Workflow Manager (Classic) job.


Code sample

SetProductionProperties example (stand-alone script)

This script locates the record in the Topographic_Production_Type table that has the same Production Type Name as the job number and copies the Data Source Name, Portal Item Name, and Portal Item URL values to the Topographic_Production_Properties table.

# Name:
# Description: Locates the record in the Topographic_Production_Type table that has the same Production Type Name as the job
# and copies the Data Source Name, Portal Item Name, and Portal Item URL values to the Topographic_Production_Properties table.

# Import System Modules
import arcpy

# Check Out Extensions

# Setting the environment
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

# Setting Local Variables
job_id = 646
database_path = r"C:\Data\Workflows\Testing.jtc"

# Calling the Set Production Properties tool to set production property values for the job
arcpy.topographic.SetProductionProperties(job_id, database_path)

# Getting all messages, warnings, and errors from the tool run and printing the results back to the user
messages = arcpy.GetMessages(0)
warnings = arcpy.GetMessages(1)
errors = arcpy.GetMessages(2)
arcpy.AddMessage('Tool Messages: {}\nTool Warnings: {}\nTool Errors{}\n'.format(messages, warnings, errors))

# Check In Extensions


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Requires Production Mapping and Data Reviewer and Workflow Manager
  • Advanced: Requires Production Mapping and Data Reviewer and Workflow Manager

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