Set Network Category (Utility Network)

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Assigns a network category to a feature class or table at the asset type level to be used during tracing operations.

Categories are defined on asset types to constrain the beginning and end of several analytical traces.

Learn more about network categories

Learn more about how to set or modify a network category assignment


  • An asset type can participate in one or more categories. For example, a fuse asset group can be in both a disconnect and a protective category.

  • This tool can be used with the Add Network Category tool, which is used to add a new network category to the utility network.

  • The network topology must be disabled.

  • The following requirements must be met when working with an enterprise geodatabase:


arcpy.un.SetNetworkCategory(in_utility_network, domain_network, featureclass, assetgroup, assettype, {category})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The utility network that contains the network category.

Utility Network; Utility Network Layer

The domain network in the utility network that contains the network category.


The utility network feature class or table to which the asset type belongs.


The asset group to which the asset type belongs.


The asset type to alter the category configuration.


The categories to be assigned to the asset type. The categories that are specified for this parameter will replace the current categories that are assigned to the asset type. To unassign a network category from an asset type, do not specify a category for this parameter.


The Subnetwork Controller system-provided network category is only available for asset types in the device feature class and junction object table. In a domain network with a partitioned tier definition, the selected asset type must also have a directional terminal configuration assigned with a minimum of one upstream and one downstream terminal.


Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The updated utility network.

Utility Network

Code sample

SetNetworkCategory example 1 (Python window)

Apply the disconnect and protective categories to air-powered fuses in an electric distribution domain network.

import arcpy
arcpy.SetNetworkCategory_un("Utility Network", "ElectricDistribution", 
                            "ElectricDistributionDevice", "Fuse", "Air Powered", 
                            ["Disconnect", "Protective"])
SetNetworkCategory example 2 (Python window)

Unassign a network category for air-powered fuses in an electric distribution domain network.

import arcpy
arcpy.SetNetworkCategory_un("Utility Network", "ElectricDistribution", 
                            "ElectricDistributionDevice", "Fuse", "Air Powered")


Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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