Replicate Job Data (Workflow Manager)

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Replicates the ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) configuration from a parent repository to child repositories using ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) Server. Each child repository becomes an identical copy (replica) of the parent repository.

Learn more about Workflow Manager (Classic) replication


  • The Workflow Manager (Classic) extension allows you to have distributed repositories across multiple servers or locations to support distributed workforces. These repositories participate in what is referred to as a Workflow Manager (Classic) cluster. The repositories participating in the cluster are identified as parent or child.

  • The repository specified by the Parent Repository URL and Parent Repository Name parameters must be the repository that contains the data to be distributed to all the other participants of the cluster. The parent repository must be published as the Workflow Manager (Classic) service for both connected and disconnected replication.

  • The Replicate Job Data tool deletes the configuration of child repositories and imports a copy of the parent database configuration in every child repository in the cluster. This ensures that all the servers participating in the distributed repositories have identical configurations.

  • The child repositories that are participating in the cluster are specified in the Child Repository Names and URLs parameter. The following values are specified in this parameter:

    • Repository name—The name of the child repository.
    • Connected—Specifies whether the repository is a connected or disconnected.
      • true—The child repository is a connected repository. This means that the Workflow Manager (Classic) server is installed and configured for this repository. Both the parent repository and the child repository must be published as Workflow Manager (Classic) services and the servers must be online.
      • false—The child repository is a disconnected repository. This means that the Workflow Manager (Classic) server is not installed and the child repository is not published as Workflow Manager (Classic) services.
    • URL—The identifying URL or folder location.
      • If Connected is true, this is the URL of the child repository.
      • If Connected is false, this is the folder location where the configuration file exported from the parent repository will be stored. The configuration file can be used with the Import Job Data tool to replicate the parent repository to this disconnected repository.

  • To perform disconnected replication using the Replicate Job Data tool, the parent repository must be published as Workflow Manager (Classic) services and the server must be online.


arcpy.wmx.CreateJobDataReplica(Input_Parent_Repository_URL, Input_Parent_Repository_Name, Input_Multi_Name)
ParameterExplanationData Type

The URL for the parent repository as the Workflow Manager (Classic) service URL, for example, http://localhost/arcgis/rest/services/parent/wmserver.


The name of the parent repository that will distribute the Workflow Manager (Classic) jobs and configuration elements.

[[child_name, connected, URL],...]

The child repositories that will be updated with the parent repository configuration.

  • child_name—The name of the child repository.
  • connected—Specify "true" if the child is participating in connected replication and both parent and child Workflow Manager (Classic) services are published and online. Specify "false" if the child is participating in disconnected replication. In this case, only the parent Workflow Manager (Classic) service is published and online.
  • URL—If connected is "true", specify the URL of the child repository. If connected is "false", specify a folder location to contain the configuration file exported from the parent repository. This configuration file can be used with the Import Job Data tool to replicate the parent repository to this disconnected repository.

Value Table

Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The result of the replicate operation. Returns 0 if successful.


A table view of job synchronization information.

Value Table

Code sample

CreateJobDataReplica example (stand-alone script)

In this example, a replica of the Workflow Manager (Classic) parent repository Redlands is created in the Ohio and Arizona repositories.

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy

# Check out any necessary licenses

# Local variables:
Input_Parent_Repository_URL = "http://ServerName/arcgis/rest/services/ServerObjectName/WMServer"
Input_Parent_Repository_Name = "Redlands_Repository"
Input_Multi_Name = "Ohio_Repository true http://ohioServer/arcgis/rest/services/SO/WMServer;AZ_Repository true http://AZServer/arcgis/rest/services/SO/JTServer"

# Process: Replicate Job Data
                               Input_Parent_Repository_Name, Input_Multi_Name)


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Requires Workflow Manager
  • Advanced: Requires Workflow Manager

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