
This ArcGIS 2.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Visualize flow direction and magnitude information in your raster with vector symbols.


For more information about how this function works, see the Vector Renderer Field raster function.

The referenced raster dataset for the raster object is temporary. To make it permanent, you can call the raster object's save method.


VectorFieldRenderer (raster, {is_uv_components}, {reference_system}, {mass_flow_angle_representation}, {calculation_method}, {symbology_name})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The input raster.


Specifies whether the input components represent U-V, or magnitude and direction.

  • TrueThe input data represents U-V components.
  • FalseThe input data represents magnitude and direction components. This is the default.

(The default value is None)


Specifies how the direction component is measured.

  • 1Direction is measured in arithmetic coordinates. 0° points due east, and 90° points due north.
  • 2Direction is measured in geographic coordinates. 0° points due north, and 90° points due east.

(The default value is 2)


Specifies the angle of mass flow.

  • 0From—The mass is flowing along the angle and moving toward the origin of the reference system. This is sometimes referred to as the meteorological convention.
  • 1To—The mass is flowing along the angle and moving away from the origin of the reference system. This is sometimes referred to as the oceanographic convention.

(The default value is From)


Specify the thinning method to be used to calculate the magnitude and direction value of a tile.

  • Vector AverageThe following calculation occurs for each pixel: convert direction and magnitude to U and V components, calculate the averages of U and V for all pixels in a tile, and then convert the average U and average V back to direction and magnitude.
  • Nearest neighborUses the value from the pixels closest to the center of the tile.
  • BilinearBilinear resampling will be performed on the tile.
  • CubicCubic convolution resampling will be performed on the tile.
  • MinimumThe minimum pixel value of the tile.
  • MaximumThe maximum pixel value of the tile.

(The default value is Vector Average)


Name of the symbol depicting direction and magnitude.

  • Single ArrowA single arrow depicting direction and magnitude.
  • Wind BarbWind barbs indicating wind direction and magnitude.
  • Ocean CurrentOcean current symbol indicating current and magnitude.

(The default value is Single Arrow)

Return Value
Data TypeExplanation

The output raster displayed according to your rendering parameters.

Code sample

VectorFieldRenderer example

Visualize flow direction and magnitude information in your raster with vector symbols.

import arcpy

Stretch_raster = arcpy.ia.Stretch(imagePath1, "PercentClip", None, None, None, None, True, 0.25, 0.75, None, None, None)