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Calculates the Red-Edge Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVIre) from a multiband raster object and returns a raster object with the index values.


The Red-Edge NDVI (NDVIre) method is a vegetation index for estimating vegetation health using the red-edge band. It is especially useful for estimating crop health in the mid to late stages of growth, when the chlorophyll concentration is relatively higher. Also, NDVIre can be used to map the within-field variability of nitrogen foliage to understand the fertilizer requirements of crops.

NDVIre = (NIR - RedEdge)/(NIR + RedEdge)

For information about other multiband raster indexes, see the Band Arithmetic raster function.

The referenced raster dataset for the raster object is temporary. To make it permanent, you can call the raster object's save method.


NDVIre (raster, {nir_band_id}, {redEdge_band_id})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The input raster.


The band ID of the near-infrared band. The ID index uses one-based indexing.

(The default value is 7)


The band ID of the red-edge band. The band ID index uses one-based indexing.

(The default value is 6)

Return Value
Data TypeExplanation

The output raster object with the NDVIre index values.

Code sample

NDVIre example

Calculates the Red-Edge Normalized Difference Vegetation Index for a Landsat 8 image.

import arcpy

NDVIre_raster = arcpy.sa.NDVIre("Landsat8.tif", 5, 6)

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