Capabilities of the 3D Analyst toolbox

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Available with 3D Analyst license.

The 3D Analyst extension toolbox provides a collection of geoprocessing tools that enable a variety of analytical, data management, and data conversion operations on surface models and three-dimensional data. The toolbox is organized into toolsets that define the scope of tasks accomplished by the tools they contain.

3D Analyst geoprocessing tools allow you to create and analyze surface data represented in raster, terrain, triangulated irregular network (TIN), and LAS dataset formats. You can convert three-dimensional data from a variety of formats. Analysis of geometric relationships and feature properties, interpolation of raster and various TIN models, and analysis of surface properties are some of the functions provided by the 3D Analyst tools.


3D Features

The 3D Features toolset provides tools for evaluating geometric properties and relationships between three-dimensional features.

3D Intersections

The 3D Intersections toolset contains tools that allow intersection analysis in 3D.

3D Proximity

The 3D Proximity toolset contains tools that delineate the volume of space encompassing 3D features and performs distance-based evaluations of 3D points, lines, and multipatch features.

Area and Volume

The Area and Volume toolset contains tools to calculate the area and volume of spaces contained between 3D data.

Point Cloud

The Point Cloud toolset provides tools for working with point clouds. You can reclassify lidar points, extract information, and convert the LAS dataset to other surface formats.


The Raster toolset provides numerous interpolation tools that can produce continuous raster surfaces from a given set of sample points, including hydrologically correct surface models. It features tools that perform mathematical operations on raster datasets and contains tools that enable reclassification of raster data. It also provides analysis tools that enable the determination of raster surface properties, such as contours, slope, aspect, hillshade, and difference calculation.


The Statistics toolset provides tools to conduct statistical analysis on 3D data.

Terrain Dataset

The Terrain Dataset toolset provides tools for managing and converting terrain datasets.

TIN Dataset

The TIN Dataset toolset provides tools for managing and converting TINs.

Triangulated Surface

The Triangulated Surface toolset provides analysis tools that enable the determination of surface properties of TIN, terrain, and LAS datasets, such as contours, slope, aspect, hillshade, difference calculation, volumetric computations, and outlier detection.


The Visibility toolset contains tools that enable visibility analysis to be performed using various types of observer features and obstruction sources that include surfaces; multipatches, which are conducive to representing structures such as buildings; and 3D features.

Overview of toolsets in the 3D Analyst toolbox

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