Load ST_Geometry to a mobile geodatabase for SQL access

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Before you can use ST_Geometry functions from a SQL client to access spatial data in a mobile geodatabase, you must load the Esri ST_Geometry extension.

Follow these steps to enable the ST_Geometry extension in a mobile geodatabase:

  1. Download the ArcGIS Pro ST_Geometry Libraries (SQLite) zip file from My Esri and unzip it.
  2. Place the ST_Geometry file in a location that is accessible to the mobile geodatabase and the SQL editor from which you will load the extension.

    If your mobile geodatabase is on a Microsoft Windows machine, use the stgeometry_sqlite.dll file. If your mobile geodatabase is on a Linux machine, use the libstgeometry_sqlite.so file.

  3. From the SQL client, connect to the SQLite database where the mobile geodatabase is stored.
  4. Load the ST_Geometry library.

    This example loads the ST_Geometry library to an SQLite database on a Microsoft Windows computer:

    SELECT load_extension('stgeometry_sqlite.dll','SDE_SQL_funcs_init');

    This example loads the ST_Geometry library to an SQLite database on a Linux computer:

    SELECT load_extension('libstgeometry_sqlite.so','SDE_SQL_funcs_init');

  5. Call the CreateOGCTables function to add ST_Geometry tables to the database.

    SELECT CreateOGCTables();

You can now use ST_Geometry functions in SQL statements executed from a SQL client to access spatial data in a mobile geodatabase. For more information, see the ST_Geometry SQL function reference.

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