The raster and imagery default options allow you to change settings, which are applied to all of your imagery and raster datasets. You can access these options from Project tab > Options > Raster and Imagery.
The raster and imagery options consist of the following six categories:
- Appearance
- Cache
- Raster dataset
- Mosaic dataset
- Perspective imagery
- Raster formats
The Appearance options allow you to set rendering defaults for rasters that you add to a view.
Check the Use band wavelength information when available check box to allow ArcGIS Pro to determine which bands are used to display multispectral data as RGB. Due to technological advances, more sensors are incorporating additional bands of information. If you consistently work with a sensor that is not one of the raster products, it may make sense to uncheck this check box and alter the Three band data and Multispectral data defaults.
You can select a default color scheme from the Color Scheme drop-down menu, which is used to display single band data when first added to a view. The default color scheme for a single band raster added to a view is black to white for the stretched renderer or a random color scheme for the unique values renderer. If you want to go back to the system defaults, click the Reset button.
The Set default RGB composition section allows you to manually set the bands used as the red, green, and blue composite. The band composition can be set differently for Three band data and Multispectral data. You can type the band number in the box, or you can use the up and down arrows to adjust the band number. If a raster product is added to a view, ArcGIS Pro overrides these defaults if the Use band wavelength information when available check box is checked.
You can use the Enable custom rendering defaults option to set a specific way to display all of your datasets. This is turned off by default because users tend to work with many different kinds of data, from high-resolution imagery to classified raster datasets. It makes sense to enable this if you work with a specific type of dataset.
The background of a raster dataset can be displayed in a specific color or with transparency. This allows you to hide or highlight the background. To display the background value in a specific color, check the Display background value check box, and specify the background value and the color. Usually, the background color is set to transparent so that it is hidden.
The NoData color allows you to hide or highlight these values. Typically, the NoData color is set to transparent so that the NoData values are hidden.
When checked, if an image service has cache generated, it displays the image service cache rather than the image service.
Raster dataset
The Build pyramid settings expander allows you to set the Build pyramid dialog settings, Resampling method, Compression method, and Compression quality.
Parameter | Description |
Build pyramid settings | Choose how to handle raster datasets that do not have pyramids built:
Resampling method | Choose the resampling method used when building pyramids:
Compression method | Choose the compression type to use when building the raster pyramids:
Compression quality | The compression quality to use when pyramids are built with the JPEG or JPEG YCbCr compression method. The value must be between 0 and 100. The values closer to 100 produce a higher-quality image, but the compression ratio is lower. |
The Calculate statistics expander allows you to set the Calculate statistics dialog box settings, X Skip Factor, and Y Skip Factor.
Parameter | Description |
Calculate statistics settings | Choose how to handle raster datasets that do not have statistics calculated:
X Skip Factor | The number of horizontal pixels between samples. A skip factor controls the portion of the raster that is used when calculating the statistics. The input value indicates the horizontal or vertical skip factor, where a value of 1 will use each pixel and a value of 2 will use every second pixel. The skip factor can only range from 1 to the number of columns/rows in the raster. The value must be greater than zero and less than or equal to the number of columns in the raster. The default is 1 or the last skip factor used. |
Y Skip Factor | The number of vertical pixels between samples. A skip factor controls the portion of the raster that is used when calculating the statistics. The input value indicates the horizontal or vertical skip factor, where a value of 1 will use each pixel and a value of 2 will use every second pixel. The skip factor can only range from 1 to the number of columns/rows in the raster. The value must be greater than zero and less than or equal to the number of rows in the raster. The default is 1 or the last y skip factor used. |
Check Use the world file to define the coordinates of the raster if you want to override the dataset's native georeferencing with the world file information.
Check Create tiled TIFF to write out tiled TIFF files. If the box is not checked, stripped TIFF files are created.
The Maximum number of values to display option is set to 65,536 by default. This is the maximum number of values you can get with 16-bit data. Increasing this number allows you to work with datasets that have a greater bit depth without scaling them down to 16 bit; however, this increases computational effort and lowers performance.
The Proxy files location allows you to work around restrictions that system administrators put on data repositories. For example, if you need to build pyramids for an image but only have read permissions to that folder, the pyramids are built in the proxy location.
Mosaic dataset
These options allow you to control how a mosaic dataset is presented in the Contents pane.
- Expand the mosaic dataset—Display its component layers, boundary, footprint, and image in the Contents pane.
- Show the boundary on the map—Display the full extent of the dataset as a polygon on the map.
- Show the footprint on the map—Show the extent of each raster within the mosaic dataset on the map.
- Show the seamlines on the map—Use the Build Seamlines tool to create a smoother-looking mosaic dataset when working with images collected at varying times and spatial resolutions. They are shown as feature classes on the map.
- Show the image on the map—Uncheck this check box to improve performance if it is not necessary to immediately see your imagery or raster dataset.
Perspective imagery
Perspective imagery is usually oblique imagery collected at angles offset from vertical. Perspective imagery can be displayed in image analysis mode, based on the image's coordinate system—columns and rows—rather than a map coordinate system. You can check the Set focus on the first operational perspective image layer to map check box to automatically work in the perspective view when an appropriate layer is added to a map.
Raster formats
This section shows you a table of the raster and imagery formats you can work with in ArcGIS Pro.
Enabling and disabling specific formats is not currently supported. All formats are enabled.