Available for an ArcGIS organization licensed with the Indoors extension.
The Config_CAD_Indoors_Template file stores a set of configuration options for the Import Floorplans To Indoors Geodatabase tool. The template file is included with the ArcGIS Pro installation at <installation location>Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\Indoors\MappingFile\Config_CAD_Indoors_Template.xlsx.
Learn more about populating the configuration spreadsheet
Many fields in the configuration template are not required if you are importing CAD data into the indoor dataset (created using the Create Indoor Dataset tool), which uses a streamlined schema that conforms to the Indoors model. You can still use them with the Indoors geodatabase (created using the Create Indoors Database tool).
The following tables describe the values to store in the columns on each sheet of the template:
CAD Layer to FC Mapping sheet
The CAD Layer to FC Mapping worksheet maps the CAD layers in your CAD files to their corresponding features and attributes in your indoor feature classes.
Column | Description |
FACILITIES | One or more CAD polygon layers that define the extent of all the floors of a building. Required: Either the FACILITIES or FACILITY_LINES column must be populated. |
FACILITY_LINES | One or more CAD polyline layers that define the extent and edges of all the levels of a facility from which a polygon will be created. Required: Either the FACILITIES or FACILITY_LINES column must be populated. |
LEVELS | One or more CAD polygon layers that define the extent of each floor of a building. Required: Either the LEVELS or LEVEL_LINES column must be populated. |
LEVEL_LINES | One or more CAD polyline layers that define the edges and extent of each floor of a building. Required: Either the LEVELS or LEVEL_LINES column must be populated. |
ZONES | One or more CAD polygon layers that define a collection of spaces on a floor. Zones may define security, access, or the extent of building systems, such as HVAC or sprinkler coverage. A unit space may belong to multiple zones. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
ZONE_LINES | One or more CAD polyline layers that define the edges of a collection of spaces on a floor from which a polygon will be created. Zones may define security, access, or the extent of facility systems, such as HVAC or sprinkler coverage. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
ZONE_ID | One or more CAD annotation layers that define unique identifier strings for the zones. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
ZONE_NAME | One or more CAD annotation layers that define common name strings for the zones. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
SECTIONS | One or more CAD polygon layers that define the extent of a section. Also referred to as wings, sections represent a collection of spaces that include a logical subdivision of a floor. Unlike in zones, spaces typically belong to only one section, for example, the west wing. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
SECTION_LINES | One or more CAD polyline layers that define the edges and extent of a section. Also referred to as wings, sections represent a collection of spaces that include a logical subdivision of a floor from which a polygon will be created. Unlike zones, spaces typically belong to only one section, for example, the west wing. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
SECTION_ID | One or more CAD annotation layers that define unique identifier strings for the sections. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
SECTION_NAME | One or more CAD annotation layers that define common name strings for the sections. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
UNITS | One or more CAD polygon layers that define the usable spaces within a building, such as offices, hallways, and stairwells. Required: Either the UNITS or UNITS_LINES column must be populated. |
UNIT_LINES | One or more CAD polyline layers that define the edges and extent of the usable spaces within a building, from which polygons will be created. Required: Either the UNITS or UNITS_LINES column must be populated. |
UNIT_ID | One or more CAD annotation layers that define unique identifier strings for spaces on a level. For example, the annotation strings may be: L3w120 or A-210. During import, the annotation strings are appended to the LEVEL_ID and stored in the UNIT_ID attribute field for the Units feature class. If there are spaces in the imported annotation strings, the spaces are not included in the UNIT_ID attribute values. Spaces in the UNIT_NAME column are preserved. Note:If this column is not populated, the Import Floorplans To Indoors Geodatabase tool automatically generates a unique identifier for each unit. |
UNIT_NAME | One or more CAD annotation layers that define common name strings for the spaces, such as Main Reception or Product Testing Lab. The strings are mapped to the NAME and NAME_LONG attributes for the Units feature class. Note:If this column is not populated, the Import Floorplans To Indoors Geodatabase tool automatically generates a name for each unit. |
UNIT_USE_TYPE | One or more CAD annotation layers that define usage strings for the spaces, such as Office or Hallway. The strings are mapped to the USE_TYPE attribute for the Units feature class. You can use the USE_TYPE attribute to symbolize spaces by use type on a map. |
DETAILS | One or more CAD polylines that define interior details that show the partitioning of spaces and entry and exit locations for each space and building, such as the location of walls, doors, windows, and so on, on an indoor map. |
OPENINGS | One or more CAD polyline layers that define doors that should be treated as closed to create cleaner unit polygons from the layers in the UNIT_LINES column. Note:The OPENINGS column must be populated for the Door Close Buffer parameter to have any effect when you run the Import Floorplans To Indoors Geodatabase tool. |
Facility Properties sheet
The Facility Properties sheet takes metadata about the facility or facilities to be imported, such as each facility's name and height. This metadata is applied to features and attributes in the indoor dataset during the import process.
Column | Description |
SITE_ID | A unique identifier string for the site. This should be 50 characters or less. A value is required. |
SITE_NAME | A common name for the site. This should be 100 characters or less. |
FACILITY_ID | A unique identifier string for the facility. The string consists of the SITE_ID, a delimiter, and a string unique to that facility, such as the facility's name. This should be 50 characters or less. |
FACILITY_NUMBER | A unique identifier integer for the facility. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
NAME | The short name for the facility. This should be 100 characters or less. A value is required. |
NAME_LONG | The long name for the facility. This should be 255 characters or less. |
DESCRIPTION | A description of the facility. This should be 255 characters or less. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
ADDRESS | The address of the facility. This should be 255 characters or less. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
UNIT | The unit or suite designation of the facility. This should be 10 characters or less. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
LOCALITY | The city or town of the facility. This should be 100 characters or less. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
PROVINCE | The state, territory, or province of the building. This should be 50 characters or less. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
COUNTRY | The country of the facility. This should be two characters or less. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
POSTAL_CODE | The mail sorting code of the facility. This should be 50 characters or less. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
DATE_BUILT | The date the facility was built. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
LEVELS_TOTAL | Total number of levels in the facility. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
ELEVATION_RELATIVE | The z-value of the base of the building, relative to a flat terrain surface. The value is typically 0. Note:A value is required if you are using an Indoors geodatabase. If you are using an indoor dataset you can skip this field. |
ELEVATION_ABSOLUTE | The absolute z-value of the base of the facility, relative to sea level. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
HEIGHT_RELATIVE | The z-value of the top of the facility, relative to a flat terrain surface. A value is required. |
HEIGHT_ABSOLUTE | The maximum height of the top of the facility, relative to sea level. For example, a 100-meter-tall facility with an absolute elevation of 350 meters has an absolute height of 450 meters. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
ROTATION | The geographic rotation (left west=0 advancing clockwise) of the facility. A valid value range is 0–180. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
MERGE_LEVELS | Specifies whether to generate the facility's polygon by merging its levels' polygons.
A value is required. |
Level Properties sheet
The Level Properties sheet stores metadata and configuration options for the floors to be imported.
Column | Description |
FACILITY_ID | The facility's unique identifier string from the Facility Properties sheet. Note:This value should match the FACILITY_ID for the corresponding building on the Facility Properties sheet. A value is required. |
LEVEL_ID | The unique identifier string for the floor. The string consists of the FACILITY_ID, a delimiter, and a string unique to that level, usually the level number. This should be 50 characters or less. A value is required. |
NAME | The common name of the floor. This should be 255 characters or less. Note:The NAME value is used to populate the LEVEL_NAME field for the Details and Units feature classes. A value is required. |
NAME_SHORT | The short name of the level. This should be four characters or less. Note:The NAME_SHORT value is used for the floor filter in ArcGIS Pro and the floor picker in the Indoorsweb and mobile apps. A value is required. |
DESCRIPTION | The description of the level. This should be 255 characters or less. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
ACCESS_TYPE | The access type of the level (such as visitor, employee, or public). This should be 50 characters or less. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
LEVEL_NUMBER | An integer representing the floor number for each floor, as might be seen on an elevator in the building. Unlike the VERTICAL_ORDER column, integers in the LEVEL_NUMBER column do not need to be ordinal. A value is required. |
VERTICAL_ORDER | An ordinal integer representing the vertical order of each floor. The vertical order of the ground floor is zero (0). Floors above the ground floor have positive vertical order values, while floors below the ground floor have negative values. A value is required. |
ELEVATION_RELATIVE | The z-value of each level, relative to a flat terrain surface. For example, the relative elevation of the ground floor is 0 meters, the level above it (floor 2) may have a relative elevation of 4.25 meters, and the level below it (the basement) may have a relative elevation of -4.5 meters. Note:A value is required if you are using an Indoors geodatabase. If you are using an indoor dataset you can skip this field. |
ELEVATION_ABSOLUTE | The absolute z-value of each floor, relative to sea level. For example, floor 1 is 254 meters and floor 2 is 258.25 meters. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
HEIGHT_RELATIVE | The height of the top of each level, relative to the bottom of that level. For example, the ground floor may have a relative height of 4.25 meters, the level above it (floor 2) may have a relative height of 4.25 meters, and the level below it (the basement) may have a relative height of 4.5 meters. A value is required. |
HEIGHT_ABSOLUTE | The absolute height of each floor, relative to sea level. For example, floor 1 is 258.25 meters and floor 2 is 262.5 meters. Note:This column is only applicable to users of the Indoors geodatabase. |
CLOSE_DOORS | Specifies whether doors should be treated as closed when generating polygons from CAD polylines.
A value is required. Note:The CLOSE_DOORS value only has an effect when CAD polyline layers are listed in the UNIT_LINES and OPENINGS columns of the CAD Layer to FC Mapping sheet. The tool may not detect CAD door polylines that are positioned too far away from the CAD wall polylines. The Close Door Buffer parameter in the Import Floorplans To Indoors Geodatabase tool determines the maximum detection distance in inches. |
PROCESS | Specifies whether the tool should process the level.
A value is required. |
Source Files sheet
The Source Files sheet stores file paths to your CAD drawings and relates each drawing to a level defined on the Level Properties sheet. If the CAD data for a single level resides in multiple drawings that overlay one another, you can define the source path for each of the drawing files and relate them to a single level.
Column | Description |
SOURCE_PATH | The file path to a source CAD file on the local machine or network. A value is required. |
LEVEL_ID | The unique identifier string for the related level. A value is required. Note:This value must match the LEVEL_ID for the corresponding level in the Level Properties sheet. |