Export network diagram content

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Exporting network diagram content allows producing a simple-format JSON file that details all the features referenced in a network diagram. The resulting JSON file can be used for different purposes, such as the following:

  • Data control
  • Network calculation or analysis
  • Feeding external systems

You can export any network diagram content by executing the Export Diagram Content geoprocessing tool.

When the network diagram is stored, you can also use the Export Diagram Content command Export Diagram Content at the bottom of the Find Diagrams pane.

The workflow below explains how to export a stored network diagram from the Find Diagrams pane.


This workflow can be executed from either a utility network or trace network in a file geodatabase, a database connection to a utility network or trace network in an enterprise geodatabase, or a utility network or trace network service.

Export the content of a stored diagram

To export the content of a stored network diagram, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Load your project or create one.
  3. Depending on whether the diagram for which you want to export content is stored in a version, do one of the following:
    • If the diagram you want to export is related to a utility network or trace network service and stored in a particular version, complete the following steps:
      • If there is a map referencing the utility network or trace network service layer in your project, make this map the active view.
      • If not, add the utility network or trace network service layer to a new map.
      • Switch the data referenced in this map to the desired version.
    • If the diagram you want to export is related to a utility network or trace network in a file geodatabase, or related to a utility network or trace network service and stored in the default version, complete the following steps:
      • If there is a map in your project that already references the network layer, and this layer is either from a database connection to the utility network or trace network in an enterprise geodatabase, a utility network or trace network service, or a utility network or trace network in a file geodatabase, make this map the active view.
      • If not, add the utility network or trace network service layer, the utility network or trace network data element under the database connection, or the utility network or trace network data element in the file geodatabase to a new map.
  4. Then, depending on whether you know the name of the diagram to which you want to export content, do one of the following:
    • When you know the diagram name, complete the following steps:
      • Open the Geoprocessing pane, click Toolboxes, and expand Network Diagram Tools.
      • Double-click the Export Diagram Content tool. The Geoprocessing pane appears and loads the Export Diagram Content tool.
      • Click the Input Network or Network Diagram Layer drop-down arrow and select the network layer in the active map.
      • In Network Diagram Name, type the name of the diagram to export.
    • When you don't know the diagram name, you can search the diagram using the Find Diagrams pane, as explained below:
      • On the Data tab of the Utility Network or Trace Network tab set, in the Diagram group, click Find. The Find Diagrams pane appears. As explained in Search for network diagrams in the database, the Find Diagrams pane offers functions to refine diagram searches.
      • Set up the pane options you need—for example, make sure the Cover parts of the active map extent option is checked and zoom in on the map part of the diagrams you want to update.
      • Click Refresh at the bottom of the list Refresh Diagram List to refresh the diagram list accordingly.
      • Click the diagram item you are interested in so it is checked in the list, and click Export Diagram Content at the bottom of the pane Export Diagram Content.

        This button is disabled when you have more than one diagram name item checked in the list.

      • The Geoprocessing pane appears and loads the Export Diagram Content tool. The Input Network or Network Diagram Layer and Network Diagram Name parameters are preset.
  5. Click the Browse button next to the Output File box, and browse to and select the file location you want, type a name for the JSON file to create, and click Save.
  6. By default, without any other specified settings, the exported diagram content will describe each container, junction, or edge diagram feature represented in the diagram with its associated network feature Global ID, its related container, and their connectivity. If you want to export more details, you can set some other options, such as the following:
    1. To export the diagram properties—that is, statistics, creation and update dates, and so on—check Include diagram properties.
    2. To export each diagram feature with its geometry, check Include geometries.
    3. To export each diagram feature with the attributes of its associated network feature, check Include attributes.
    4. To export each diagram feature with the list of the network elements it aggregates, check Include aggregations.
    5. For the cases for which you checked Include attributes or Include aggregations, you can optionally check Use domain and subtype descriptions. This will export coded domain and subtype values as string descriptions rather than raw values for any exported attributes with coded domain values.
  7. Click Run.

When the process completes, you can check the JSON file created at the specified output location.

Learn more about the output JSON response syntax

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