Extend network diagram content by connectivity, traversability, containment, or attachment

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Extend diagram functions allow you to extend the content of temporary diagrams one network element level by connectivity, traversability, containment, or attachment. This functionality is particularly helpful during network data control and validation phases.

You can extend network diagram content using the commands under Extend in the Modify group on the Network Diagram ribbon tab or by executing the Extend Diagram geoprocessing tool.

Extend Diagram By Connectivity and Extend Diagram By Traversability extend the diagram content by one level of adjacency: for example, extending a diagram with a single valve in it. After extending the diagram by connectivity or traversability, the temporary diagram includes two pipes, one for each side of the valve.

Keep the following in mind when using these two functions:

  • Extending a diagram by connectivity consists of retrieving all adjacent network elements based on connectivity, geometric coincidence, or connectivity association. These elements are added to the diagram.
  • Extending a diagram by traversability consists of retrieving all adjacent network elements that are traversable regarding their Status attribute:
    • Enabled means they are active in the network and therefore traversable. These elements are added to the diagram.
    • Disabled means they are not active and cannot be traversed. These elements are not added to the diagram.

Extend Diagram By Containment extends the diagram content by adding any network elements that are contents of container features or container objects represented in the diagram.

Use Extend Diagram By Attachment to add the following:

  • All the network elements that have logical associations with the structural elements represented in the diagram
  • Any network elements represented in the diagram that are expected to be attached to a network structure represented in the diagram

These four functions work on the entire diagram content as well as on a set of selected diagram features.

Whichever type of extension is used, the extend process is the same. It first retrieves either all the initial network elements that were used to build the current diagram content or the set of initial network elements related to the diagram features currently selected in the diagram. Next, it adds all the network elements that are not already part of the diagram and are either of the following:

  • One level adjacent to the initial retrieved junctions in terms of network connectivity or traversability
  • One level in relation to the initial retrieved junctions in terms of the containment or attachment associations
Then, it rebuilds the diagram content from this expanded set of initial network elements.


Extending diagrams may be locked by the diagram template; that is, the Extend Diagram property is disabled for the diagram template in the Diagram Templates section on the Network Diagrams tab in the network Layer Properties dialog box. In this case, the Extend commands are unavailable on the Network Diagram tab.

The command is also unavailable when the All Layers mode is turned off for the active network diagram layer. In this situation, click All Layers in the Manage group of the Network Diagram tab to turn the All Layers mode on.

Note also that to limit the risk of unintentionally extending stored diagrams, you cannot extend a stored diagram using these Extend commands even if the related diagram template authorizes it. In this case, you must open the Extend Diagram tool. Extending diagrams from the commands on the ribbon is only allowed on temporary diagrams when the related template authorizes the extend and the All Layers mode is turned on for the network diagram layer.

Requirements and prerequisites

The requirements and prerequisites to extend a diagram are as follows:

  • The network topology must be enabled.
  • Since this operation is transactional, edits must be saved before it is run.
  • This operation applies to a network diagram layer that is from either a utility network or trace network in a file geodatabase, or a network diagram service. When working with a utility network or trace network in an enterprise geodatabase, the input network diagram layer must be from a service.
  • The diagram you are working on must be temporary.
  • The related diagram template must enable the diagram to be extended.
  • The All Layers diagram mode must be turned on for the diagram layer to which the operation applies so all layers are present in the Contents pane whether they contain diagram features or not. If it is turned off, click All Layers in the Manage group of the Network Diagram tab.
  • There are no dirty areas on the network features initially used to generate the diagram, whether they are visible or aggregated.
  • There are no dirty areas on the container features related to the network objects initially used to generate the diagram, whether they are visible or aggregated.
  • There are no dirty areas on the network features processed to extend the diagram.
  • There are no dirty areas on the container features related to the network objects processed to extend the diagram.

Extend diagrams

To extend a temporary diagram, complete the following steps:

  1. Activate the diagram map referencing the temporary network diagram you want to extend. Then, click the network diagram layer corresponding to the diagram.
  2. To extend a limited portion of the diagram or focus on one or several diagram features in particular, use one of the Select Features tools (for example, Select By Rectangle, Select By Polygon, and so on) and select the diagram features.
  3. In the Modify group on the Network Diagram tab, click the arrow under Extend and choose one of the following:
    • Extend Diagram By Connectivity Extend Diagram By Connectivity—Extends the diagram content one level with regard to network connectivity.
    • Extend Diagram By Traversability Extend Diagram By Traversability—Extends the diagram content one level with regard to network traversability.
    • Extend Diagram By Attachment Extend Diagram By Attachment—Extends the diagram content one level with regard to attachment associations.
    • Extend Diagram By Containment Extend Diagram By Containment—Extends the diagram content one level with regard to containment associations.

The active diagram content is extended. The process chains the diagram rules and automatic layouts that may be configured on the template on which the diagram is based. The positions of the diagram features that existed before the extend operation are preserved; any new features added or appended to the diagram display according to the following rules:

  • Any diagram point junction representing a network point feature displays at the point feature geographic position.
  • Any diagram point junction representing a network polygon feature is placed at the center of the feature boundary envelope.
  • Any diagram point junction representing a network junction object is placed at best inside the diagram polygon container representing its spatial container with some or all other contents.
  • Any diagram polygon container representing a container point feature displays as a rectangle around its contents which center is placed at the point feature geographic position.
  • Any diagram polygon container representing a container polygon feature displays as a rectangle around its contents which center is placed at the center of the feature boundary envelope.
  • Any diagram polygon container representing a container junction object displays as a rectangle around its contents and placed at best inside its own diagram polygon container.
  • Any diagram edge representing a network edge object displays as a straight line between its from and to diagram junction.
  • Any diagram edge representing a network line feature displays with the line feature geometry when the diagram template is configured to keep initial vertices on edges, otherwise it displays as a straight line between its from and to diagram junction.

Depending on the template configuration on which the diagram is based, the resulting extended diagram may not be visibly different than the original network diagram. This typically happens when the added network elements are content in collapsed or reduced container features that existed in the diagram before the extending operation. A best practice is to disable extend diagram capabilities for diagrams based on a template configured with reduce junctions, collapse containers, expand containers, or trace rules.

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