Generate a network diagram

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Generating a network diagram allows you to create a geoschematic or pure schematic view of a set of network elements. The resulting diagram content depends on the way the template you selected is configured. Starting from the same set of network elements, you can generate different diagrams, for example, diagrams in which content is more or less simplified, diagrams showing the details of some specific containers while other containers are collapsed, and so on.

You can generate a network diagram using the New command in the Diagram group on the Data tab of the Utility Network or Trace Network tab set, or by executing the Create Diagram geoprocessing tool.

The workflow below explains how to generate network diagrams from the command on the ribbon.

Requirements and prerequisites

The requirements and prerequisites to generate a diagram are as follows:

  • The network topology must be enabled.
  • Since this operation is transactional, edits must be saved before it is run.
  • There are network features selected in layers in the active map or network objects selected in the object tables referenced in the active map.
  • There are no dirty areas on the network features selected in the active map.
  • There are no dirty areas on the container features that are related to the network objects selected in the object tables referenced in the active map.
  • This operation can be executed from either a utility network or trace network in a file geodatabase, a utility network or trace network service, or a database connection to a utility network or trace network in an enterprise geodatabase.


When consuming a utility network or trace network service, to generate network diagrams for a particular past moment, see Working with historical moments.

Generate the diagram

To generate a network diagram, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro and open a utility network or trace network project.
  2. Open any map that already references the network layers and network object tables, or create a map and add the network to it.
  3. Review the general network diagram options that are currently set, and depending on the purpose of the diagram you are going to create, consider checking the Open diagrams with all diagram template sublayers option.
  4. Select any network features or network objects you are interested in. The following methods are recommended to obtain the selected elements:
  5. Make sure the network elements currently selected on the map and in the object tables referenced in that map are only those you expect to be input for the diagram generation.
  6. Ensure the network layer in the Contents pane is selected. Click the Data tab of the Utility Network or Trace Network tab set. Depending on the diagram template you want the new diagram to be based on, do one of the following:
    • To create a network diagram based on the default template or on the template that was used to generate the last diagram, click New New Diagram in the Diagram group.
    • To create a network diagram based on a particular template, click the New arrow in the Diagram group, and click the template item you want from the list of templates that appears:
      List of the templates installed by default that can be used to generate any new diagram
      The list of templates is based on the templates that are related to the network layer currently selected in the Contents pane. Unless you are working with a utility network and they are specified as subnetwork diagram templates for utility network tiers, or unless they have been removed, three templates are provided out of the box: Basic, CollapseContainers, and ExpandContainers.
      • If you haven't specified a template and you click the New button to generate your first diagram, the Basic template is used by default. The Basic template is used to build new diagrams unless otherwise specified. You can select another template by clicking the New arrow and choosing one from the list.
      • When consuming a utility network service, if a diagram template is used as a subnetwork diagram template for a utility network tier, it is not available in the New drop-down list. It is available from this drop-down list when working with a file geodatabase or a database connection to an enterprise geodatabase.

Diagram generation begins once you've clicked New or chosen a template. Depending on the selected template, the process chains any existing diagram rules and automatic layouts configured for that template. The resulting network diagram opens in a diagram map view and the Network Diagram home tab becomes available.

Without automatic layout specified on the template, the diagram features display according to the following rules:

  • Any diagram point junction representing a network point feature displays at the point feature geographic position.
  • Any diagram point junction representing a network polygon feature is placed at the center of the feature boundary envelope.
  • Any diagram point junction representing a network junction object is placed at best inside the diagram polygon container representing its spatial container with some or all other contents.
  • Any diagram polygon container representing a container point feature displays as a rectangle around its contents which center is placed at the point feature geographic position.
  • Any diagram polygon container representing a container polygon feature displays as a rectangle around its contents which center is placed at the center of the feature boundary envelope.
  • Any diagram polygon container representing a container junction object displays as a rectangle around its contents and placed at best inside its own diagram polygon container.
  • Any diagram edge representing a network edge object displays as a straight line between its from and to diagram junction.
  • Any diagram edge representing a network line feature displays with the line feature geometry when the diagram template is configured to keep initial vertices on edges, otherwise it displays as a straight line between its from and to diagram junction.

Next, when consuming a utility network or trace network in a file geodatabase or a utility network service, you can use the Append To Diagram function or enable the Dynamic Diagram running mode to refine the diagram content if needed, apply layouts on all or parts of the diagram, and store the diagram if you want to persist it in the database.

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