Geocode with StreetMap Premium classic locators in ArcGIS Pro

This ArcGIS 2.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The classic locators are deprecated. It is recommended that you use the new locators instead.

Once you've downloaded the ZIP files, these locators can be added manually to ArcGIS Pro by browsing to the location where the classic locator files were unzipped.

For information on geocoding in ArcGIS Pro, see Introduction to finding places on a map.

Address locators for geocoding

The classic address locators allow you to geocode and reverse geocode addresses in ArcGIS Pro.

The following levels of geocoding are supported in most countries: point address, street address, street name, postal code, and administrative places.

For more detail on the geocoding levels for each country, see StreetMap Premium product coverage on the ArcGIS website.

Input mapping fields for addresses are standardized across the global composite locators and include the following fields: Address, Postal, Neighborhood, City, Subregion, and Region; although some countries do not use all four of the following administrative place fields as input:

  • Neighborhood—Smaller than City
  • City—City or equivalent
  • Subregion—Typically larger than City but smaller than Region
  • Region—State/Province or equivalent

File output field definitions

The following file output field definitions may be helpful:

Loc_name—For composite locators, such as the country composite locators that are included in the StreetMap Premium mobile map packages, this field lists the individual locator that geocoded each address.

Addr_type—The match type for an address. Possible values include the following:

  • PointAddress—Point address with associated house numbers and street names
  • BuildingName—Point address with an associated building name
  • StreetAddress—Street centerlines with address ranges
  • StreetInt—Street intersections
  • StreetName—Street centerlines with associated street names (no numbered address ranges)
  • Admin—Administrative areas such as regions, states, and provinces; typically the largest administrative area
  • DepAdmin—Administrative areas such as regions, states, and provinces; typically smaller than an Admin area
  • SubAdmin—Administrative areas such as municipalities and cities; typically smaller than a DepAdmin area
  • Locality—Administrative areas such as municipalities, cities, and neighborhoods; typically the smallest administrative area
  • PostalLoc—Postal code points combined with administrative boundaries
  • Postal—Postal code points
  • PostalExt—Extended postal code points such as the USPS ZIP+4

Match_addr—The full, matched address formatted in the local country address schema. This is the correct address format based on address standards for a country.

Status—The status of the match candidate. Possible values include the following:

  • M—Match. The returned address matches the request and is the highest scoring candidate.
  • T—Tie. The returned address matches the request but has the same score as one or more additional candidates.
  • U—Unmatch. No addresses match the request.

Score—The score is a value assigned to all potential candidates of an address match. The match score is based on how well the locations found in the reference data match the address data being searched. A score value can range from 0 through 100, with 100 being a perfect match.

Side—For Point Address and Street Address locators, this field indicates which side of the street (L or R) the matched address is located.

DisplayX/DisplayY—For the Point Address locator, these fields store the decimal degree coordinates for the parcel centroid or rooftop centroid associated with each address, as the geocoded point feature is located on the street segment near the main entrance to the property.


All Point Address locators provide the ability to change the default location of a matched address from the entry point on the street to the parcel centroid or rooftop centroid. To make this change, open the XXX_PointAddress.loc file in a text editor (Notepad++ is recommended), and change the following line:

GeometryFromDisplayFields = false


GeometryFromDisplayFields = true

and save the file.

ZIP4_TYPE—For the United States only, this field is populated if LOC_NAME is ZIP4. A value of 1 indicates that the latitude and longitude are accurate to the ZIP+4 centroid (more accurate). A value of 2 indicates that the latitude and longitude are accurate to the ZIP+2 centroid (less accurate).

Distance—The physical distance, in meters, from a candidate to a specified location. The Distance output value is calculated for each candidate when the Location input parameter is passed in a request using the Find or findAddressCandidates methods. If the Location parameter is not passed in a request, the value of Distance is zero. Values can range from 1 through 100.

For a more complete list of possible locator output fields, see the ArcGIS REST API: World Geocoding Service documentation on the ArcGIS Developers website.