Swap TIN edge

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Available with 3D Analyst license.

You can interactively connect two opposing nodes using the Swap Edge Swap Edge tool on the TIN Editor toolbar. By connecting opposing nodes you can form an alternate pair of triangles. Click a triangle's edge to change its direction. You can also change a newly formed triangle's direction after they are created. Swapping an edge requires the TIN to use constrained triangulation, which cannot be undone once the TIN is saved.

When using the Swap Edge tool, it is useful to have the triangles of the TIN drawn. Select the TIN in the Contents pane and click the Appearance tab. Then click the Symbology button Symbology to open the Symbology pane. From the Symbology pane, click the Edges button Tin Edges On. Check the Draw using check box and choose Simple from the drop-down menu. The triangle edges of the TIN are displayed.

To swap the edges of a TIN, follow the steps outlined below.

  1. In the Contents pane, select the TIN layer you want to edit.
  2. Click the Data tab.
  3. Click the TIN Editor TIN Editor button.
  4. Click the Swap Edge Swap Edge button.

    A graphic line displays and snaps to the closest valid triangle edge relative to the cursor's current position on the TIN surface. This helps to visually ensure the connection is correct before the action is committed.

  5. To change the direction of the triangle edge, click the wanted location on the TIN.
  6. Click the Save button Save Edits to save the edits to the current TIN being edited. Once the TIN has been saved, all edits become permanent and cannot be undone. Click the Discard button Discard Edits to discard all unsaved edits. To create a copy of the TIN with the current edits applied click the Save As New TIN button Save As.
  7. Click the Close TIN Editor button Close to close the TIN Editor when edits are completed.

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