Export subnetworks

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The Export Subnetwork tool is used to export information about a subnetwork into a JSON file. That information can then be consumed by outside systems such as outage management and asset tracking programs.

The Export Subnetwork tool also allows you to delete a row in the Subnetworks table as long as the Is deleted attribute is set to true. This indicates the subnetwork controller has been removed from the subnetwork.

A subnetwork is removed from a utility network when all subnetwork controllers associated with a subnetwork have been removed; all corresponding rows, and thus the subnetwork, can be deleted from the Subnetworks table.

See Export subnetwork information.


To export a subnetwork, the following requirements must be met:

  • When working with an enterprise geodatabase, the Input Utility Network parameter must be from a utility network service.
  • The Subnetwork Name provided must be updated.
  • To use the Set export acknowledged option, the following must be true:
    • The network topology must be enabled.
    • The Input Utility Network parameter must be referencing the default branch version.
    • When working with an enterprise geodatabase, the connected ArcGIS Enterprise portal account must be the portal utility network owner.


Follow these steps to export a subnetwork:

  1. On the Analysis tab, click Tools Tools to open the Geoprocessing pane.
  2. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select Export Subnetwork.
  3. For the Input Utility Network parameter, specify a utility network.
  4. For the Domain Network parameter, specify a domain network from the drop-down menu.
  5. For the Tier parameter, specify a tier from the drop-down menu.
  6. For the Subnetwork Name parameter, select the subnetwork from the drop-down menu to export.
  7. Optionally, check the Set export acknowledged check box to delete the record of any subnetwork controllers from the subnetworks table that have been removed as a subnetwork controller.

    Using this option requires the default version. Keep this unchecked if there are no controllers that need to be deleted from the subnetworks table.

  8. In the Output JSON parameter, specify a name and a location for the JSON file to be created.
  9. Note:
    The remaining parameters are optional subnetwork details to include in the output JSON file. For enterprise geodatabases, these parameters require ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 or later.
  10. For the Result Types parameter, specify any of the following:
    • Connectivity—Return features that are connected via geometric coincidence or connectivity associations.
    • Features—Return feature-level information in the response.
    • Containment and attachment associations—Return features that are associated via containment and structural attachment associations.

      For enterprise geodatabases, the containment and attachment associations result type requires ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1 or later.

  11. For the Result Network Attributes parameter, select the network attributes that you want to include in the export.
  12. For the Result Fields parameter, specify the Feature Class and Field Name you want to include in the export.
  13. Click Run.

Information about the specified subnetwork has been exported from the utility network to a JSON file. If the Set export acknowledged check box was checked, rows in the Subnetworks table that were marked as deleted are now permanently deleted from the network.

Review the JSON response syntax of the exported subnetwork

In this topic
  1. Requirements
  2. Workflow