Feature restrictions

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A utility network has built-in feature restrictions that are imposed at the class level to help promote data accuracy and correctness. Their purpose is to restrict the valid relationships between the feature and object classes in the network and control the types of rules that can be added to a utility network. For example, a device feature cannot be geometrically coincident with another device feature. Feature restrictions are system maintained and cannot be modified or removed.

Features can be connected or associated as long as feature restrictions are respected and network rules exist to allow such relationships.

Network rules provide more control to define valid connectivity or association between features. Rules between network features that do not violate feature restrictions can be added or imported into a utility network. To learn more, see Network rules.

Each section below shows the valid relationships that can be configured between classes.

Valid geometric coincidence

Geometric coincident-based connectivity is permitted between a point and line and two lines with an intermediate point feature.

The colored cells indicate valid geometric coincidence between feature classes in a utility network; a rule can be created for specific asset groups and asset types.

Valid geometric coincidence

If two edge elements share the same endpoint and have the same Asset group and Asset type, these features can connect without a user-defined intermediate junction or network rule. In this situation, a system junction is created and connectivity is established when the network topology is validated or enabled.

Edge-junction-edge connectivity is established between two edges that are connected by an intermediate junction. The dark orange-colored cells above support edge-junction-edge connectivity between features. The table below lists all supported relationships, including the class through which connectivity is established.

Supported edge-junction-edge connectivity between classes:

From classTo classVia class



Device, Junction




Valid connectivity associations

There are several types of connectivity associations permitted between network features.

Colored cells indicate valid connectivity associations between classes in a utility network; a rule can be created for specific asset groups and asset types.

Valid connectivity associations

The dark orange-colored cells above support edge-junction-edge connectivity between network features. The table below lists all supported relationships, including the class through which connectivity is established.

Supported connectivity associations between classes:

From classTo classVia class



Device, Junction






Device, Junction, JunctionObject



Device, Junction



StructureJunction, StructureJunctionObject




Valid containment associations

In a containment association, network features can serve as containers or content.

Colored cells indicate valid containment associations between classes in a utility network; a rule can be created for specific asset groups and asset types.

Feature restrictions for containment

Valid structural attachment associations

In a structural attachment association, network features can serve as a structure or attachment.

Colored cells indicate valid structural attachments between point features or structure junction objects in a utility network; a rule can be created for specific asset groups and asset types.

Valid structural attachment associations