Modify terminal connections

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You must account for terminals when working with junction-edge connectivity between network line and device features. If a network has more than one rule that supports junction-edge connectivity between a line feature and terminals on a device feature, you need to set a terminal connection. The process of setting a terminal connection identifies the terminal on the device feature to which the line feature is connected.

Use the Modify Terminal Connections pane to set a terminal connection between a line and a terminal on a device feature, change the terminal to which the line is connected, or disconnect a line from a device terminal. This pane also lists existing terminal connections for a selected line feature.


When working with junction and edge objects, use the Modify Associations pane to set or modify a terminal connection between a device feature or edge object and the terminal on a junction object through a connectivity association.

Learn more about geometric coincident-based connectivity and terminal management.


The following are required for modifying terminal connections:

  • The utility network must be from one of the following data sources to enable the Terminal Connections command:
    • A utility network service
    • A database connection where the dataset is unregistered as versioned
    • A file geodatabase
  • The line feature is from the Line class and the point feature is from the Device class.
  • The point feature is geometrically coincident with one of the endpoints of the line.
  • A junction-edge rule with the appropriate terminal specification exists.

Create connectivity between a line and device terminal

Use the Modify Terminal Connections pane to establish junction-edge connectivity between a line and a device feature or junction object with terminals. This is necessary when there are junction-edge connectivity rules that support more than one device terminal to connect to a line feature.

To create connectivity between a line and a device terminal, complete the following steps:

  1. Ensure that a utility network is available in an active map view and click the Data tab under Utility Network on the ribbon.

    The utility network's Data tab is activated.

  2. In the Network Topology group, click Terminal Connections.

    The Modify Terminal Connections pane appears with the Select a line feature tool active. If existing line features are listed in the pane, use the Change line selection tool.

  3. On the map, click a feature from the line feature class.

    The line feature appears in the Modify Terminal Connections pane along with all device features with terminals that are coincident with the endpoint of the line.

    Device features that require a terminal to be set are displayed with an asterisk.

    If existing terminal connections are set, the device feature and terminal are listed.

  4. In the pane, choose a terminal from the Terminal drop-down menu.

    Only terminals with rules appear in this list. If a terminal does not appear in the drop-down menu, there is no rule to allow the type of line selected to connect to a device feature using that terminal.


    You can click a device feature in the pane to flash it on the map. You can also use the context menu to display and navigate to the feature on the map.

  5. Click Apply.
  6. The specified line and terminal are connected. The To device terminal or From device terminal attribute on the line feature is populated with the terminal ID of the device feature to which it is connected.
    Validate the network topology to reflect the change and update the subnetwork if the feature is now connected to one. Once the network topology is valid and the subnetwork is up to date, appropriate traces can travel through these features.

Modify or remove connectivity between a line and a device terminal

If a line feature has existing terminal connections defined, use the Modify Terminal Connections pane to make changes or remove the terminal connections.

To modify or remove existing terminal connections between a line and device feature, complete the following steps:

  1. Ensure that a utility network is available in an active map view and click the Data tab under Utility Network on the ribbon.

    The utility network's Data tab is activated.

  2. In the Network Topology group, click Terminal Connections.

    The Modify Terminal Connections pane appears.

  3. In the Modify Terminal Connections pane, ensure that the Select a line feature tool is active.

    If existing line features are listed in the pane, use the Change line selection tool.

  4. On the map, click a feature from the Line class to add it to the pane.

    Device features already connected to the line are added to the pane.

  5. In the pane, make necessary edits to reflect the terminal connectivity between the line and device features.
    1. Use the Terminal drop-down list to make changes to connectivity.
    2. Click Delete Delete next to the device with the terminal connection to remove connectivity.

      The device appears with a strikethrough, indicating that it will be deleted.

  6. Click Apply.
  7. The specified line and device feature are updated based on the terminal connectivity changes made. The To device terminal or From device terminal attribute on the Line class is updated to reflect the edits.
    Validate the network topology to reflect the change. Update the subnetwork if the feature was disconnected from one.