Set or modify a network category assignment

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A network category is a tag used to represent a characteristic of an asset in your network. They are created and assigned to network features for specific asset group and asset type combinations.

After a network category is added to the utility network using the Add Network Category tool, the following operations can be completed using the Set Network Category tool:

  • Assign a network category to a network class.
  • Remove an existing network category assignment.

    The network properties can be used to review what network classes have network category assignments.

Learn more about network categories


Before you can set a new or modify an existing network category assignment, the following requirements must be met:

Set or modify a network category assignment

To set a new or modify an existing network category assignment, follow these steps.

  1. On the Analysis tab, in the Geoprocessing group, click Tools Tools to open the Geoprocessing pane.
  2. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and choose Set Network Category.
  3. For the Input Utility Network parameter, specify a utility network.
  4. For the Domain Network parameter, specify a domain network.
  5. For the Input Table parameter, specify a feature class or table.
  6. For the Asset Group parameter, specify an asset group.
  7. For the Asset Type parameter, specify the asset type to which you want the category assigned.
  8. For the Categories parameter, choose the appropriate network categories to assign.

    Any existing network categories that are assigned to the asset type will be populated. Use the categories list to add new network category assignments or remove existing assignments.

    1. Add—Use the list to select a network category to assign.
    2. Remove—Use the remove button Remove to remove existing network category assignments.

    The Subnetwork Controller system-provided network category is only available for asset types in the device feature class and junction object table. In a domain network with a partitioned tier definition, the selected asset type must also have a directional terminal configuration assigned with a minimum of one upstream and one downstream terminal.

  9. Click Run.

The network category assignment is updated.