Utility network upgrade history

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To keep a utility network current with the latest functionality, an upgrade may be necessary. This applies schema changes to the utility network dataset, network feature classes, and other related geodatabase objects. Use the Upgrade Dataset tool to perform the upgrade.

Learn more about requirements for the upgrade process

An upgrade of the utility network dataset is only needed when there are schema changes in the information model. The upgrade process increments the Utility Network Version number. The version of the ArcGIS Pro client and current Utility Network Version determines if an upgrade is needed for the utility network dataset. Keep in mind that not every ArcGIS Pro release requires an upgrade of the utility network.

When working with an enterprise geodatabase, the version of ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise determines the Utility Network Version of the utility network dataset that is created or upgraded. To learn more, see Utility network compatibility.


The version and upgrade history for a utility network can be viewed in the General section of the Network Properties tab.

Upgrades are cumulative between versions and include changes from skipped versions. For example, if you update the utility network from Utility Network Version 3 to Utility Network Version 5, all schema changes for versions 4 and 5 are included. Some utility network versions require additional steps to be followed after the upgrade process. Review steps for each version included in the upgrade path.

Upgrade to Utility Network Version 5

When upgrading a utility network to Utility Network Version 5, the following changes occur:

  • A new field, SUPPORTINGSUBNETWORKNAME, is added to all domain network classes with the exception of the Assembly feature class.
  • A new table, UN_<ID>_TRACECONFIGURATIONS, is added to the utility network schema to support the creation, usage, and sharing of trace configurations.

Additional steps are required after upgrading a utility network to version 5:

  • Review the service settings for existing utility network services after the upgrade. In the operations allowed section for the Utility Network capability, ensure all operations allowed are checked to include operations specific for ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.

Upgrade to Utility Network Version 4

When upgrading a utility network to Utility Network Version 4, the following changes occur:

  • The point, line, and polygon error sublayers are removed and are no longer available as sublayers of the utility network layer.
  • The schema of the dirty areas and associations tables are modified to store error information.
    • The UPDATETYPE field is removed from the dirty areas table.
    • The STATUS field is now used in the dirty areas table to indicate the type of dirty area. This field is added to the associations table.
    • The ERRORCODE and ERRORMESSAGE fields are added to the dirty areas and associations tables.
    • A PERCENTALONG field is added to the associations table.
  • All dirty areas in named versions are truncated. This step is necessary to incorporate schema changes made to the dirty areas table. New dirty areas are generated after upgrade in the default version by enabling the network topology, and performing a reconcile in all named versions.
  • The AssociationStatus domain is updated to include changes with the built-in feature restrictions of a utility network.
  • A nonunique attribute index is added on the SUBNETWORKNAME and SUBNETWORKCONTROLLERNAME fields of the Subnetworks table.
  • A new field, SUPPORTEDSUBNETWORKNAME, is added to all domain network classes. This field is used to store the subnetwork of features supported by features in the Assembly feature class.
    • The update subnetwork operation no longer updates the SUBNETWORKNAME field to store the subnetwork for features in the Assembly feature class.
    • During the upgrade, the SUBNETWORKNAME field is updated to no longer be system maintained; however, it is not deleted. While not required, this can be removed from the Assembly feature class to avoid confusion.
  • Additional subnetwork properties are stored for each tier:

    • Valid Junctions
    • Valid Junction Objects
    • Valid Edge Objects
    • Valid Subnetwork Controllers now lists devices and junction objects that are set as valid subnetwork controllers.

  • A new code and description value are added to the system-provided UN_<ID>_IsDirty coded value domain (2: Invalid). This will be used to support future work with subnetwork management.

To model and work with a large number of real-world features that share a common geographical space, nonspatial junction and edge objects are introduced as part of the utility network schema:

  • For the structure network, the following tables are created:
    • StructureJunctionObject
    • StructureEdgeObject
  • For each domain network, the following tables are created:
    • <domain_network>JunctionObject
    • <domain_network>EdgeObject
  • The system-provided UN_<ID>_FeatureSourceID coded value domain is updated with the addition of the following code and description values for the structure network and each domain network:
    • <ID>—Structure Junction Object
    • <ID>—Structure Edge Object
    • <ID>—<domain_name> Junction Object
    • <ID>—<domain_name> Edge Object

Additional steps are required after upgrading a utility network to version 4:

  • Register the feature dataset that contains the utility network as branch versioned to version the new junction and edge objects. To learn more, see Register a dataset as branch versioned.
  • Enable the network topology.
  • Remove and re-add the utility network layer in existing maps to reflect the updated dirty area and error symbology.
  • Publish new services with an updated map that includes the nonspatial junction and edge object tables.
  • Reconcile all named versions to regenerate dirty areas based on schema changes made during upgrade.

Upgrade to Utility Network Version 3

When upgrading a utility network to Utility Network Version 3, the following changes occur:

  • A new system-provided network attribute is added to the utility network. Flow direction is a hidden system-provided network attribute that is stored In Line; it will be used to support future work with flow direction.

Upgrade to Utility Network Version 2

When upgrading a utility network to Utility Network Version 2, the following changes occur:

  • A new code and description are added to the system-provided attribute domain IsConnected to represent the default state for newly created features (2:unknown).
  • The default value for the IsConnected field changes from true to unknown.
  • The Container Split Policy property is added to the association role for containers.
  • The split policy for the following system-provided attribute domains changes from default to duplicate:
    • IsConnected
    • AssociationStatus
    • TerminalNames
  • The code and description are added to the system-provided attribute domain Dirty areas to represent dirty areas generated from error features (3:error).
  • Rules using an asterisk (*) for asset type or terminals will be expanded so that each combination is explicitly represented as an individual rule. The current configuration state of the utility network is used to expand the existing rules using asterisks, and the newly generated rules will be visible on the Network Properties tab.
  • The parent subnetwork column is removed from the subnetworks table.
  • The diagram templates are no longer versioned since the related table is now nonversioned.


Utility networks that were created using ArcGIS Pro 2.1 are not fully 3D enabled; this includes utility networks that are upgraded. It is recommended that you work with a utility network that has full 3D capabilities for dirty areas and error feature management. To learn more, see How To: Ensure a utility network is fully 3D enabled.