Create a scene layer

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Scene layers can be created and viewed in ArcGIS Pro directly, or uploaded to ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Online to be published as a web scene layer. You can also share point, building, multipatch, and LAS dataset layers within a web scene.

There are a number of tools that create scene layer packages. The table below lists the corresponding geoprocessing tools with supported input datasets.

Input datasetCorresponding geoprocessing tool

Multipatch feature layer, 3D object feature layer, layer file

Create 3D Object Scene Layer Package

Building layer, layer file

Create Building Scene Layer Package,

Open scene graph binary (OSGB) file, a folder containing OSGB files

Create Integrated Mesh Scene Layer Package

LAS, zLAS, LAZ files, LAS dataset, layer file, a folder of lidar data

Create Point Cloud Scene Layer Package

Point feature layer, layer file

Create Point Scene Layer Package

Scene Layer, Scene Layer Package


Scene layer I3S version

Esri continues to improve the usability of scene layers. I3S version 1.7 provides better performance and scalability across the ArcGIS platform than previous versions. ArcGIS Pro, Scene Viewer, and apps built off ArcGIS API for JavaScript can consume integrated mesh, building, point and 3D object scene layers that are version 1.7 and earlier. To ensure that you can take advantage of the latest improvements, use the I3S converter in the I3S GitHub repository to update the version of an integrated mesh, building, point, or 3D object scene layer (.slpk) to the latest version. Additionally, the Create 3D Object Scene Layer Package, Create Building Scene Layer, Create Point Scene Layer Package,Create Integrated Mesh Scene Layer Package, and Project tools can be used to create version 1.7 scene layers.

Upgrade an existing scene layer to version 1.7 of the I3S specification

  1. Browse to the I3S Github repository.
  2. Open the I3SConverter folder.
  3. Download the i3s_converter.exe file.
  4. For detailed instructions, review the file.
  5. Run the converter.

3D object scene layer

A 3D object scene layer can be created using the Create 3D Object Scene Layer Package geoprocessing tool, which generates a scene layer package (.slpk) file. Alternatively, a 3D object scene layer can be created by sharing a web scene layer. This creates a scene layer with an associated feature layer, which provides richer statistical information to be used in symbology and definition queries. The input data type for a 3D object scene layer in ArcGIS Pro is a multipatch or 3D object feature layer.

Building scene layer

Building scene layers allow you to share 3D building content sourced from specific data types across the ArcGIS platform. 3D building information is derived from building information modeling (BIM) representing buildings.

A building scene layer is created using the Create Building Scene Layer geoprocessing tool, which generates a scene layer package (.slpk). The resulting scene layer package can then be viewed in ArcGIS Pro. It can be uploaded to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 or later or ArcGIS Online using the Share Package geoprocessing tool, published as a web scene layer, or you can share as a web scene layer or within a web scene.

Only category layers with content are added to the building scene layer; all others are removed. In case a discipline layer does not include category layers, the discipline layer is not added to the building scene layer. An overview layer is a layer that shows a representation of the building from the outside, and is optional. Building layers contain an exterior shell layer that can be used as an overview layer. You need to have elements of the building defined as exterior in Revit. This overview is the default layer you see when adding a building scene layer to ArcGIS Pro. Any filters that are defined for the building layer are included when you create the building scene layer.

Integrated mesh scene layer

Typically, 3D mesh data is captured by an automated process for constructing 3D objects out of large sets of overlapping imagery. The result integrates the original input image information as a textured mesh including 3D objects, such as buildings and trees, and elevation information. An integrated mesh scene layer can be created from OpenSceneGraph Binary (OSGB) files using the Create Integrated Mesh Scene Layer Package tool. It can also be created using Drone2Map. For more information on Drone2Map, see Drone2Map.

Other vendors who create OpenSceneGraph Binary (OSGB) files include the following:

  • Bentley Context Capture
  • SuperMap
  • Pix4D
  • SafeSoftware FME
  • Skyline TerraBuilder

Other vendors who publish integrated mesh scene layers (.slpk) to the I3S format include the following:

Point cloud scene layer

A point cloud scene layer can be created using the Create Point Cloud Scene Layer Package geoprocessing tool, which generates a scene layer package file (.slpk).

A point cloud scene layer package file can be displayed in ArcGIS Pro and then uploaded to ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Online using the Share Package geoprocessing tool to publish it as a service layer. The input data type for a point cloud scene layer package in ArcGIS Pro is a LAS dataset layer or an individual or folder of LAS, ZLAS, or LAZ files.


A LAS dataset that references LAS and ZLAS files can also be used to create a point cloud scene layer. Any symbology and point filtering that has been applied to the points of a LAS dataset layer will be used to create the point cloud scene layer. A default elevation symbology and no point filtering will be used to create a point cloud scene layer when individual files or a folder of files (LAS, ZLAS, or LAZ) is used as input. To optimize the point cloud data and define properties such as symbology and filtering, use the LAS dataset as input. For more information on point filtering, see Change filter options for a point cloud scene layer.

Surface constraints are ignored if they are referenced by an input LAS dataset layer. The input LAS dataset layer must be a layer in the scene or an .lyrx file. TIN-based rendering symbology of the input LAS dataset is not supported by a point cloud scene layer. A stretch renderer with elevation will be used for the output scene layer package in this case.

To reduce storage, unused attributes should not be included. Select all attributes that are required for the desired rendering and filtering option. For additional information on these attributes see, What is lidar data?. For airborne lidar data, accepting the default of 0 for the Point Size property or a value close to the average point spacing is usually best. For terrestrial lidar data, the Point Size should match the point spacing you want for the areas of interest. The XY Max Error and Z Max Error options are the maximum error tolerated. A higher tolerance will result in better data compression and more efficient data transfer.

Point scene layer

A point scene layer can be created using the Create Point Scene Layer Package geoprocessing tool, which generates a scene layer package (.slpk) file. Alternatively, a point scene layer can be created by sharing a web scene layer. This creates a scene layer with an associated feature layer, which provides richer statistical information to be used in symbology and definition query. The input data type for a point scene layer package in ArcGIS Pro is any symbolized point layer in 3D.