ArcGIS Pro 2.8 API Reference Guide
GetCustomProjection Method

ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.CommonControls.CoordinateSystem Namespace > CoordinateSystemCustomProjectionProvider Class : GetCustomProjection Method
Reference to CoordinateSystemPicker Properties
The default new custom projection name (which can be updated by the call).
The validation predicate used to verify that the new projection name is valid. This must return a null string if no errors is detected or the localized error message otherwise.
Interface to provide custom projections (projected coordinate systems).
public Task<Tuple<string,string>> GetCustomProjection( 
   CoordinateSystemPickerProperties props,
   string customProjectionName,
   Func<string,string> validateProjectionName
Public Function GetCustomProjection( _
   ByVal props As CoordinateSystemPickerProperties, _
   ByVal customProjectionName As String, _
   ByVal validateProjectionName As Func(Of String,String) _
) As Task(Of Tuple(Of String,String))


Reference to CoordinateSystemPicker Properties
The default new custom projection name (which can be updated by the call).
The validation predicate used to verify that the new projection name is valid. This must return a null string if no errors is detected or the localized error message otherwise.

Return Value

Custom Projection name and WKT

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1

See Also


CoordinateSystemCustomProjectionProvider Class
CoordinateSystemCustomProjectionProvider Members