The ArcGIS.Desktop.Core namespace contains classes used to create and manage ArcGIS Pro projects. After creating or opening a project, developers can retrieve and work with the items it contains such as maps, layouts tasks, styles, and other resources. Developers can determine if changes to the current project are waiting to be saved, and set properties such as its home folder.
| Class | Description |
 | ArcGISPortal |
The ArcGISPortal class is part of the Pro Portal API which provides a way to build applications
that work with content from ArcGIS Online or an ArcGIS Portal. ArcGIS Portal is software technology
from Esri that customers can deploy either on premise or in the cloud. ArcGIS Online is
Esri's Software as a Service offering that represents GIS as a Service and is implemented using
the same technology as ArcGIS Portal. The Portal API allows application developers to work with users,
groups and content hosted within ArcGIS Online or within an ArcGIS Portal.
 | ArcGISPortalManager |
Manages the collection of portals currently defined for Pro. Portals can be added to and
removed from the ArcGISPortalManager. The list of portals is shown on the Portals backstage
 | BrowseProjectFilter |
The BrowseProjectFilter class is used to control the behavior of the open and save dialogs
by controlling what is visible and what can be browsed into
 | ClipboardItem |
ClipboardItem is a light-weight item representation used by Pro for copy/paste
 | Contents |
IContentsProviders will return an instance of this class for their "contents".
Contents are shown in the Contents Dock pane when the IContentsProvider is
 | CoreModule | Represents the core module, which provides access to the current project |
 | CreateProjectSettings |
Provides the settings used to create a new project
 | CustomItemBase |
Base class for deriving custom items. Custom items are shown in the Catalog View and Pane
 | CustomProjectItemBase | Base class for deriving custom project items. Custom project items are custom items that can be persisted within a project aprx. |
 | CustomProjectItemContainer<T> |
A custom project item container contains custom project items of a specific type that have been
added to a project.
 | EsriHttpClient |
Provides a class for perfroming HTTP communication with a resource identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
 | EsriHttpRequestHeaders |
Represents the collection of Request Headers as defined in RFC 2616.
 | EsriHttpResponseMessage |
Provides a class representing HTTP response message.
 | Favorite | A favorite is a shortcut to a frequently used folder, database, toolbox, server or custom style. Each project contains a collection of favorites accessed via the FavoritesManager.Current object. |
 | FavoritesManager |
Manages the favorites collection. Favorites are a collection of frequently used connections to folders, databases, toolboxes,
servers, custom styles and statistical data collections.
 | InvalidVersionException |
Represents the managed exception base class for custom ArcGIS.Desktop.Core exceptions
 | Item |
Represents an item that is available to be used in the current project
 | ItemCategory |
Provides a base class for ItemCategory classes defined in DAML
 | ItemException |
Item exception
 | ItemFactory | Creates items that can be added or imported to the project |
 | PortalConnectionDoesNotExistsException |
Thrown when an invalid portal is provided as the active
 | ProApp |
Encapsulates the ArcGISPro application.
 | ProBasedApp |
The Pro application
 | Project |
Represents an ArcGIS Pro project
 | ProjectItemInfo |
Basic information associated with a ProjectItem
 | ProjectSaveDiskFullException |
Project save exception. The disk may be full.
 | ProjectSaveException |
The base class for Project save exceptions.
 | ProjectSaveGeneralFailureException |
Project save exception.
 | ProjectSavePathNotFoundException |
Project save exception. Path not found.
 | ProjectSaveWriteErrorException |
Project save exception. Write error.
 | SignInResult | Contains the status of the Portal SignIn. This includes the success of failure of the SignIn and the current token (if succesfull) |
 | StartPageNewProjectContent |
Interaction logic for StartPageNewProjectContent.xaml
 | StartPageOpenProjectCotent |
Interaction logic for StartPageOpenProjectCotent.xaml
 | UploadDefinition |
Represents a class to provide parameters to the Upload method on EsriHttpClient class.
 | ViewStatePane |
Represents a primary window within the application that persists its view state with the project. This is an abstract class.
| Interface | Description |
 | IContentsControl |
Implement this interface on the View Model associated with your Contents control to
override the default Contents caption or make your control read-only.
 | IContentsPaneClipboardOps |
Support clipboard operations from your contents control
 | IContentsPaneClipboardOps2 |
IContentsPaneClipboardOps2 interface
 | IContentsProvider |
Panes must implement this interface to show their Contents in the
Contents dock pane (eg a custom TOC)
 | IItemFactory |
Defines factory methods for item creation
 | IMetadata |
Implemented by items that support metadata
 | IMetadataInfo |
Supports access and update of metadata
 | IProjectItem | Provides basic interface for all project items |
 | IProjectMultiItem |
Implemented by items that support import
 | IProjectView |
Implemented on catalog view panes. Indicates whether the details view is being shown and the
parent item of any items that are selected.
 | IProjectWindow |
Use this interface to select items and retrieve the current selection
 | ISearchableItem |
ISearchableItem interface
| Enumeration | Description |
 | BrowseProjectFilter.FilterFlag |
Flags used by the BrowseProjectFilter to represent groups of item types
 | InvalidVersionException.Type |
Specifies the exceptions that may occur when attempting to use a project or project template,
a map or layout file, or a package
 | ItemFactory.ItemType | Specifies the type of item that will be created using ItemFactory.Create, then added or imported to the project |
 | MDExportRemovalOption |
Enumeration of options for filtering sensitive content out of an item’s metadata. The item’s metadata content is filtered before
it is exported to a standard metadata format. The amount of content that is filtered out of the item’s metadata is determined by
the option selected.
 | MDImportExportOption |
Enumeration of options for importing metadata to and exporting metadata from an item. Used to identify the XML
format of a metadata document that will be imported, or the XML format of the metadata document that will be created
on export. An appropriate transformation will take place between the ArcGIS metadata XML format and the indicated XML
format. On import, the resulting ArcGIS metadata is saved to the item.
Remarks: On import, if the selected option identifies an XML format that doesn’t match the XML format of the source
metadata document the wrong transformation will be performed. The resulting content that is formatted as ArcGIS metadata
can be missing some or all of the original content.
 | MDSaveAsHTMLOption |
Enumeration of options for saving an item’s ArcGIS metadata to an HTML file. The item’s metadata content can be exported to
HTML format for display or use outside the ArcGIS platform. The XSLT stylesheet used to perform this conversion is indicated
by the option selected.
 | MDSaveAsXMLOption |
Enumeration of options for saving an item’s metadata to an ArcGIS metadata format XML file. The item’s ArcGIS metadata
content can be saved to an XML document where the content continues to be stored in the ArcGIS metadata XML format. The
amount of content that is filtered out of the item’s metadata depends on the option selected.
 | MDUpgradeOption |
Enumeration of options for upgrading an item’s metadata to the ArcGIS metadata format. This option is provided to update metadata that was
created with ArcGIS Desktop 8.x or 9.x..
 | TemplateType |
Gets and sets the project system template type that will be used to create the new project
See Also