Multipatch Footprint (3D Analyst)

This ArcGIS 2.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Creates polygon footprints representing the two-dimensional area of multipatch features.


Multipatch Footprint


  • The output footprint will have the same fields as the input feature, along with the following fields:

    • Z_Min—The smallest Z value from the multipatch feature.
    • Z_Max—The largest Z value from the multipatch feature.
  • Use the Group Field parameter if a structure is comprised by multiple features that share a common identifier in the attribute table.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Feature Class

The multipatch feature whose footprint will be generated.

Feature Layer
Output Feature Class

The resulting footprint polygon feature class.

Feature Class
Group Field

The field used for combining multipatch features so that they contribute to the same footprint polygon.


Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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