Name: RemoveTerrainPyramidLevel Example
Description: This script demonstrates how to add new
points to a terrain with the DeleteTerrainPoints tool, then use
the ChangeTerrainReferenceScale and RemoveTerrainPyramidLevel to
to adjust the pyramids for reducing the amount of data stored for
providing an optimized display performance.
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data"
inTerrain = "sample.gdb/featuredataset/terrain"
targetPts = "mass_pts_embed"
AOI = "1379938.43267328 235633.08128634 1382756.00752135 237681.848838107"
arcpy.DeleteTerrainPoints_3d(inTerrain, targetPts, AOI)
arcpy.AddMessage("Changing the terrain reference scale...")
arcpy.ChangeTerrainReferenceScale_3d(inTerrain, 500, 1000)
arcpy.RemoveTerrainPyramidLevel_3d(inTerrain, 4)