Raster Compare (Data Management)

This ArcGIS 2.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Compares the properties of two raster or mosaic datasets.


  • The tool returns messages showing the comparison result.

  • The parameter and attribute tolerances allow your comparisons to have a specified amount of deviation.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Base Raster

The first raster or mosaic dataset to compare.

Raster Layer; Mosaic Layer
Input Test Raster

The second raster or mosaic dataset to compare with the first.

Raster Layer; Mosaic Layer
Compare Type

Specifies the type of rasters that will be compared.

  • Raster datasetTwo raster datasets will be compared.
  • Geodatabase raster datasetTwo raster datasets in a geodatabase will be compared.
  • Mosaic datasetTwo mosaic datasets will be compared.
Ignore Options

Specifies the properties that will be ignored in the comparison.

  • Band countThe number of bands will be ignored.
  • ExtentThe extent will be ignored.
  • Columns and rowsThe number of columns and rows will be ignored.
  • Pixel typeThe pixel type will be ignored.
  • NoDataThe NoData value will be ignored.
  • Spatial referenceThe spatial reference system will be ignored.
  • Pixel valueThe pixel values will be ignored.
  • ColormapExisting color maps will be ignored.
  • Raster attribute tableExisting attribute tables will be ignored.
  • StatisticsStatistics will be ignored.
  • MetadataMetadata will be ignored.
  • Pyramids existExisting pyramids will be ignored.
  • Compression typeThe compression type will be ignored.
Continue Comparison

Specifies whether the comparison will stop if a mismatch is encountered.

  • Unchecked—The comparison will stop if a mismatch is encountered. This is the default.
  • Checked—The comparison will continue if a mismatch is encountered.
Output Compare File

A text file containing the comparison results.

Parameter Tolerance

The tolerances that determine the range in which values are considered equal. The same tolerance can be applied to all parameters, or different tolerances can be applied to individual parameters.

The tolerance type can be set as either a value or a fraction. For example, if the base value is 100 and a fraction tolerance is set to 0.00001, the compare tolerance will be within 100 * 0.001 (100 * 0.00001).

Value Table
Attribute Tolerance

The fields that will be compared to determine if they are within a tolerance. The tolerance value is a value in the units of the attribute.

Value Table
Omit Fields

The field or fields that will be omitted during comparison.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Compare Status

The compare status will be true if no differences are found; it will be false if differences are found.


Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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