XY Table To Point (Data Management)


Creates a point feature class based on x-, y-, and z-coordinates from a table.


  • The standard delimiter for tabular text files with extensions .csv or .txt is a comma, and for files with a .tab extension, a tab. To use an input table with a nonstandard delimiter, you must first specify the correct delimiter used in the table using a schema.ini file.

  • The coordinate system specified in the Coordinate System parameter will be applied to the output. This coordinate system determines how the x-, y-, and z-coordinates in the input table are interpreted. As this tool is commonly used with tables that contain longitude and latitude values, the default coordinate system is the WGS 1984 geographic coordinate system. If the x- and y-coordinates in the input table contain projected coordinates, specify the appropriate projected coordinate system.

    If the Output Coordinate System environment has been set, the output feature class will be reprojected to this coordinate system from the coordinate system specified in the Coordinate System parameter.

  • When the Z Field parameter is specified, the default coordinate system also includes the WGS 1984 vertical coordinate system. If the z-values are not in meters, modify the coordinate system to use the correct elevation unit.

  • If any of the input x- or y- (or z- if specified) coordinates for a feature are 0, null, or nonnumeric values, a warning message will be included and the corresponding record will be omitted from the output.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Table

The table containing the x- and y-coordinates that define the locations of the point features to create.

Table View
Output Feature Class

The feature class containing the output point features.

Feature Class
X Field

The field in the input table that contains the x-coordinates (or longitude).

Y Field

The field in the input table that contains the y-coordinates (or latitude).

Z Field

The field in the input table that contains the z-coordinates.

Coordinate System

The coordinate system of the x- and y-coordinates. This will be the coordinate system of the output feature class.

Spatial Reference

arcpy.management.XYTableToPoint(in_table, out_feature_class, x_field, y_field, {z_field}, {coordinate_system})
NameExplanationData Type

The table containing the x- and y-coordinates that define the locations of the point features to create.

Table View

The feature class containing the output point features.

Feature Class

The field in the input table that contains the x-coordinates (or longitude).


The field in the input table that contains the y-coordinates (or latitude).


The field in the input table that contains the z-coordinates.


The coordinate system of the x- and y-coordinates. This will be the coordinate system of the output feature class.

Spatial Reference

Code sample

XYTableToPoint example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the XYTableToPoint function.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r"c:\output.gdb"
arcpy.management.XYTableToPoint(r"c:\data\tree.csv", "tree_points",
                                "longitude", "latitude", "elevation",
                                arcpy.SpatialReference(4759, 115700))
XYTableToPoint example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone Python script demonstrates how to use the XYTableToPoint function.

# XYTableToPoint.py
# Description: Creates a point feature class from input table

# import system modules 
import arcpy

# Set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = r"c:\output.gdb"

# Set the local variables
in_table = r"c:\data\tree.csv"
out_feature_class = "tree_points"
x_coords = "longitude"
y_coords = "latitude"
z_coords = "elevation"

# Make the XY event layer...
arcpy.management.XYTableToPoint(in_table, out_feature_class,
                                x_coords, y_coords, z_coords,
                                arcpy.SpatialReference(4759, 115700))

# Print the total rows

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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